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March 31, 2004 (2 Comments)

Andrea growled and lunged for Kip, but he was much to fast for her to land a hand on. The little peripheral leapt from the arm of the couch chuckling, "I can recall it all!  Want me to recite it?!" "NO!!!"  Andrea screeched even louder, almost hurting Chel's ears. "She also wrote that Lexx is fine,"  Kip landed on Chel's shoulder and started chattering as though he were sharing a secret… yet was still speaking loud enough for all to hear.  "Odd documentation.  It does not correspond correctly in that context.  Lexx is fine, very cute for a blue guy.  What does Lexx's physical condition have to do with his appearance as a cute?  What is cute?  Clarify?" Chel stifled a giggle. The more Kip spoke, the more she had an urge to laugh. "Aren't you supposed to keep your data,… secret, Kip?" "Only information YOU give me, Chel,.. not what I find!" Kip cheerfully stated. Apparently… he knew exactly what he was doing.

2 thoughts on “March 31, 2004 (2 Comments)

  1. My my…the diary of a young girl, in the hands of a sentient computer…what glorious blackmail material…now I guess this evens the odds a little…now it’s not just Andrea who knows something she can use against her sister…jeez, it’s like the standoff America vs. Russia in the Cold war…both had the arsenal to plunge the world into destruction, but neither were brave (or rather stupid) enough to use it.

    1. Mutually assured embarrassment!

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