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April 07, 2004 (2 Comments)

Meanwhile, Chel's father had a dilemma of his own.  Victor walked past a map, studied it, then planted a red pin into a point.  He then tapped the map and sat down at the table near the wall.  There were pictures spread out over it along with his personal laptop. 'A giant bird?' He mused to himself. "Looks like a golden eagle that could carry off a full grown man?' Victor shuffled the photos, studying them. 'Several hundred reports from the Seattle area alone on that bird.' He flipped a couple of pictures onto the table, showing blurred images of a huge bird. 'And a 'Sea Dragon' keeps rubbing up against cruise ships in the gulf of Mexico?' That one was an interesting image. It was clearly an animal of some kind that didn't exist. The only problem was, it seemed to like having its picture taken and had a fondness for lettuce heads. It hadn't attacked anyone, but it's presence was very disruptive to the area and had posed many questions as to where it had come from. Reporters were eating it up and it was impossible to hide. 'A unicorn being kept in secret on a ranch in Montana?' They had a picture. It was a buckskin filly with a foot long horn placed appropriately in the center of her forehead. They had tried half a dozen times to capture that particular animal, but it would not them catch her. She was fast and … she vanished and whinnied at them arrogantly anytime they did get her cornered. Victor could also have sworn he heard her laughing at them and making some sort of rude comments toward them.  Amazingly, she had let them come up close enough to touch her.  Victor had been able to get a few hairs from her mane and she seemed to like him,… but there was no way they could move her. 'Strange creatures appearing all over the world and reports of even stranger people appearing, fighting with them with more animals?'  Victor put down more picture, going to the ones of the fights and participants. 'When did our planet become a circus and why wasn't I invited to any of the side shows?'

2 thoughts on “April 07, 2004 (2 Comments)

  1. Yeah, well, that’s what you’re getting for not telling your host, that you will be playing a game with them…now, where’s those MIB when you need them? Oh right…THOSE are the MIB…and they’re utterly clueless. Though I guess this spells trouble…especially when they actually manage to interrupt Lexx while he’s trying to catch one of the dice…make that quadruple, if he has Chel with him…now THAT’s an explanation I’d like to hear 😀

  2. They didn’t tell you because you’re a terrible secret agent, Vic.

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