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Alien Dice 29 09 12

It's Mauki! You remember Mauki, don't you.. good grief, I believe it's been a whole decade. So I got a minor illness (lips got puffy due to severe dryness/dehydration) that ended up going into another one (sinuses) that ended with (Eyestrain) because while I wasn't feeling well, I spent several hours without my glasses on merging dragons, also without the twilight dimming feature on my tab, RIGHT before bed. I'm all healed up FINALLY, but behind. :( I was going to take next week off, but won't. It's Spring Break and my birthday, so I won't be very productive, but I DID get updates done and I will plow through getting more done and back to being caught up. Right now, just trying to keep to eating good, because this all started because I have to lapse in eating food that's good for me vs the missing grocery budget for a week and a half. Working on it. My Patreon and Ko-Fi are there for a good reason!

5 thoughts on “Alien Dice 29 09 12

  1. Good grief, it has been ages, hasn’t it? I need to re-read the archives…

  2. Oh oof, you got slapped with the sinus stick, too? Last week I ended up with one of my eyes swollen half-shut. Was great fun. Especially with glasses + computer work when just wearing glasses was painful. Turns out Paqui chips are a good decongestant, though!

    Tell you what, you send some of that cold weather a few hours south, and we’ll send you up our t-shirt weather for your Spring Break.

  3. Where was he last? The archives don’t make it easy to search for him by name.

  4. If I’m correct, he was last seen in that group that wanted to take him away to a safe place if he wins the Gauntlet.

    1. Ah, so chances are good that he’s likely to throw this one.. one would hope.

      #1: He’s there to throw the fight to help ensure that Lex can get an easier time in the final fights… or
      #2: He’s going to fight and win if he can to punish Lex for not following along with their plans.

      I’m hoping it’s #1.

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