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April 28, 2004 (1 Comment)

- text missing - Lexx: I have completely lost control of my dice! What else could go wrong? --------------- "What Epsy doing?"  Zeta cocked his head quizzically to one side. Epsy had pulled several blankets out of their drawers and all the cushions off the couch.  She was arranging them around her making funny chirping noises.  Then she rolled in the blankets and started chewing on them.  She had been chewing on them off and on for a few minutes.  There were large holes on the edges.  Strips of fabric hung in ragged shreds.  Dash, Zeta and Dig were sitting in the doorway to the kitchen watching her strange behavior. "You're a sallo-"  Dash started to remark, watching the entire ordeal with disgust. "Zeta not a girl!" The sallomandyr snorted quickly. Dash rolled his eyes and was going to say something else when the sound of expensive cloth being ripped interrupted him. Epsy blinked, bits of fuzz from the cushion she had just bitten a large hole into floating softly around her head like snow. "Think Lexx not notice?"  Zeta coughed in concern. "Epsy should be so lucky," grumped Dig.

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