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August 20, 2004 (1 Comment)

'Lexx did not want any of the 'things' he has, and they're not reversible.'  Riley spoke across the relay, accessing it at a deeper level so that he could answer all of Chel's thoughts.  Cresent, the dice Riley had brought with him, climbed down his shoulder, glanced up at him, then hopped down to the ground to do a little exploring. Riley found himself answering questions in a confused jumble of thought.  Chel was too distracted to realize what was actually going on.  She thought she was speaking because of how Riley kept answering. 'It bothers me that Lexx kept this from me,… and that he says Stealth did it.'  Chel stated. 'He didn't tell you immediately because he was worried that you would react the way he did.'  Riley responded, picking and choosing the more important thoughts to respond to.  Others were more in the background. 'What do you mean, Riley?' 'You know,.. hurt yourself.' 'I wouldn't do that!  It's not like I can actually feel the relay,'  Chel was quick to say, 'I'm not in any pain,.. it just makes my skin crawl thinking about it.'  Other thoughts trailed in echoes of fear, 'What if someone finds out? What if they know?  Why did Stealth give me the relay?  Why?' 'Right, and it has its usage.  Would you like me to show you how to keep others out?'  Riley offered politely, hoping Chel would let him help her.

One thought on “August 20, 2004 (1 Comment)

  1. The “Cresent” link is broken;

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