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January 24, 2007 (2 Comments)

"I better leave fast ..." Chel told herself as she got up and hurried down the hallway to her room. She half expected her father to come running after her, but no-one did. "Just go and be done with it." Chel grabbed the duffle bag she'd hastily tossed a few shirts and shorts into, along with Kip's bookplate. She had to speak with Lexx before she said anything to her parents. They had to do things on Lexx's terms and figure out how her father knew Riley. Surely her parents would understand. Chel sighed and pulled the gate remote from her pocket. The door swirled into existence and the moment it did, Chel stepped through it, forcing her feet to move even though her mind was telling her to stay and try to explain without involving Lexx.

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