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February 21, 2006 (3 Comments)

"You should not have done that to Lexx." Riley pulled Mauki in the opposite direction Lexx went. "Look, Riley, I spent two years denying that I had fallen in love with Sima," Mauki mumbled to his younger brother. "Until Trasik killed her. I knew I loved her the moment I heard her voice." "Mauki, Lexx has HIS problems - HIS problems. You need to stay out of them." Riley scolded unsympathetically. He didn't need Mauki interfering with his own work on Lexx. "At least until he's done with the game." "I am no longer a fan of denial… for any reason." Mauki moped.

One thought on “February 21, 2006 (3 Comments)

  1. Sometimes, Mauki, both repression and denial can be a good thing. It can be a healthy coping mechanism. Contrary to what pop culture says, it is not usually a good idea to just come out and tell someone how you really feel, especially if they’re leaving. It makes things awkward, and can separate you even worse than the distance. Honestly, even Lexx has a more stable view of denial and repression than Mauki.

    Emotions often harm your efforts, rather than help.

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