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April 13, 2007 (11 Comments)

Meli laid the robe aside and hurriedly grabbed a towel. "Oh no …. Oh no …"  She frantically searched for the right response to the shocking blue hue that Chel's skin had taken on.  A glance at the bath and its blue water were enough of an explanation to her, but what would she tell Chel. Chel stared at Meli for a moment, accepting the towel and wondering why the Sairah was looking at her so oddly. Chel happened to look down as she began to dry off and blinked at what she saw. Blue. Not unlike the same blue as Lexx's own skin. A little lighter, but blue nonetheless. "What did you do to me?!"  Chel sputtered.  "I am not a Rishan!!  I do not want to be blue!"  She added in a low panicked wail.  Her parents were going to kill her if she came home like this.  There was no explaining it.  Well, she could explain it, but it wasn't going to go over well.

5 thoughts on “April 13, 2007 (11 Comments)

  1. I don’t know. I think that shade is quite fetching on her. XD

  2. And now I see why blue is a tag…

  3. I’m blue dobadeda

  4. Ahahahaha Chel! They unthinkingly threw her in a rishan mix, rather than trying to put something together for rishan-with-sairah-skintone, didn’t they?

  5. a redhead smurfette!!

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