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05/12/2010 (17 Comments)

Andisel waved Dasch away. The tall rishan male turned abruptly, the scowl on his face deepening with disgust at what he assumed would be occurring. Another rishan, another of his kind, being manipulated by the traitor. He was loyal and did what he was told, but only because he did not have any choices and he knew it. This ship was a prison and no matter how nice the accommodations and food, nobody here was free, except Andisel. He stopped just outside the door as it closed. Dasch had his orders. “Who are you? What do you want?” Kane glanced around the room curiously. “Who I am is unimportant,” Andisel walked around Kane, taking careful stock of what she had. Kane was in good condition, a little dehydrated and thin, but that could easily be fixed. “Other than I’m a person in a position to help you.” “I’ve heard that before.” Kane recoiled. Her eyes narrowed and she glared at Andisel suspiciously.

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