2 759

July 19, 2005

Outside the ship a small alien creature was watching Kane board. It had piggybacked on the ship and quickly hidden when the ship landed. Kane never noticed it, but it was keenly observing her through three golden eyes. It had slithered off into the grass as soon as Kane boarded the ship and began to set about fulfilling its programming. The camouflaged metallic skin covering the creature glimmered and began to change as tiny nano machines worked within it and around it to change its form. It changed quickly, rising upward into a more humanoid form. Color began filtering over the body, which was more and more resembling Kane.

2 thoughts on “July 19, 2005

  1. Interesting…a shapeshifter, sent to impersonate Kane? But for what purpose? And why do I get the feeling, that this creature is NOT part of the plan…?

  2. its a T-1000 dundundun-dundundunnnnnnnn

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