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September 05, 2003 (1 Comment)

"Damian,…"  Lexx breathed slowly as he strode toward the pair, walking so fast that Chel had to jog to keep up.  "What are you doing here?"  Kane watched them approach, while Damian walked out to greet Lexx and Chel. "Lexxxxxxx!"  Damian exclaimed, drawing out Lexx's name in a way that annoyed him.  "So nice of you and Chel to join us!"  The boisterous Sairah waved energetically.  He seemed completely oblivious to the look of displeasure on Lexx's face.  "Would you like a glass of Ruscante Diomi?  It's an excellent year!" "Damian."  Breathe in.  Breathe out  Getting angry in front of Chel was the last thing Lexx wanted to do.  Irritation was starting to gnaw on his stomach. "Hey, Lexx!"  Kane finally called out cheerfully, sensing that Damian was more friendly to Lexx than Lexx was to him.

3 thoughts on “September 05, 2003 (1 Comment)

  1. Ok, I would never say “Hey Name-of-my-brother” while posing like that in a bikini! And after those incest-y thought she had about how he was hot when they first met? Yuck.

    1. She doesn’t really look like she’s posing, she’d just been spending time with Damian, a perfectly good looking male who is completely unrelated to her, no reason why it would be inappropriate to put her arm behind her head.

      Look at it in the perspective of the text as well, Kane is not incestish, but she is new to having a brother.

  2. I bet Lexx is thinking “Damian and my sister? Cannot unsee! CANNOT UNSEE!”

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