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September 14, 2007 (4 Comments)

Upstairs, Zaile was making a hasty retreat from the festivities. Not knowing the full layout of the facilities, he went straight for the nearest empty hall with the intention of taking a door back to his ship before Lexx found him. Zaile had been completely thrown off by Riley's betrayal of who he was and had no idea how he would react if he did run into Lexx. "Not here! No! I have to get back to my ship-" Zaile's thoughts were interrupted abruptly as Lexx blocked his path. "Zaile, I-" Lexx opened his mouth. And Zaile promptly shut it for him. He swung as hard as he could, confident that he would be able to knock him out of his way. But Lexx did not go down. He staggered a step back, blinking in surprise at the coppery taste of blood in his mouth.Then, Zaile lunged at him, his rage fully unleashed. The pair of them crashed to the ground just as Chel and Riley arrived at the top of the stairs. Zaile's focus was completely on Lexx, slamming his fist repeatedly into his face with one fist, holdig him down with the other. Lexx's automatic response was to try to defend himself, without hurting Zaile. It had immediately flashed into Lexx's mind that if he did fight back, he would likely be brought up on charges by the ADC. Besides, as hard as Zaile was hitting, he couldn't do anything that Lexx wouldn't heal from and the pain was nothing he couldn't tolerate. "Stop!" Chel shrieked in a panic. "Someone! Stop them!"

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