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September 15, 2004 (1 Comment)

The screen waved as a window popped up on the dataplate, then enlarged to consume the screen. Then the image steadied and Chel could make out a dark figure and a gold strip of alien letters running down the right hand side of the screen like a news ticker. Chel squinted at the image. It was hard to see, but it looked like Lexx. The screen lightened and adjusted to a sharper view. "What am I looking at?" Chel stared incredulously. "Lexx." Kip replied matter-of-factly. "What does the writing say?" "Scores. Stats. Cost of premium time with him." Kip said more, but Chel was watching the screen now. It was a gameā€¦ a cruel game that treated Lexx like an object. He was reduced to a string of numbers.

One thought on “September 15, 2004 (1 Comment)

  1. welcome to space reality tv shows chel. where your important people are pit against the fight of their lives

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