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Day 24 Part 4 Page 6

And as quickly as it had begun, Chel was looking down into Lexx’s bruised and blood spattered face.  His eyes were open and he was looking directly at her with a peculiar smile turning up the corners of his mouth. “I’ve chosen to love you and I would willingly die a thousand times if I could say it before each one.”  Lexx gently squeezed Chel’s hand as he spoke in a low wavering voice. Chel stared down at Lexx, letting the words sink in as a sick feeling gripped her stomach.  Lexx’s hand slipped out of hers and he relaxed with a  sigh, fighting to keep his eyes open. “Everyone needs to leave now.”  Riley broke Chel’s concentration on Lexx.  She glanced up at him and then back to Lexx.  His eyes were closed down and it didn’t look like he would be opening them again anytime soon. “I don’t want to go.”  Chel bit her lower lip and sniffled.  Keeping her emotions under control was a losing battle.

17 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 4 Page 6

  1. Oh, man. POWERFUL words. “I’ve chosen to love you.” GOOSEBUMPS!!

  2. I can’t begin to say how much I love today’s update.

  3. Dammit Lexx, you do not say things like that!

  4. did he just seriously…

  5. Phew! Thank goodness she didn’t say I love you too… Now we KNOW he can’t die… At least not yet… Right???

  6. My heart = melted! THIS is the good kind of “goopy”. 🙂

    And I love Lexx’ expression in the first panel. It really shows how far he’s come in just a few weeks time.

    After all, it wasn’t even a month ago (in comic time) that he was saying he didn’t even want to know or like Chel at all!

  7. See now his wounds are more of a pink instead of the purple I was talking about earlier. Which has disappeared, but still I equated it to brown/normal skin turning pail. ^_^ Whatev’s

  8. Wow, I just caught up after 2 months without webcomics and WOW!!! The Alien Dice story is in overdrive! Awesome job Tiff! Action! Drama! Intrigue! You mixed them together into Epic Cake in your latest updates! I’m on the edge of my seat!

    Just… WOW!

  9. Wow…he finally ACTUALLY said it…and in front of everybody…This was a good update, i admit I almost cried. lol

  10. I’m really digging the amount of detail on that first panel… great job as always Tiff

  11. If Lex dies I’m going to be sooooo pissed, but it would make a cool ending, a very sad but cool ending. :.(

  12. Hmmm…. “I would willingly die a thousand times if I could say it before each one” Sound ominous to anyone else? Kinda like, “I know I’m going to die, but I’m glad I can say this, even if just once.”

    1. “I don’t know if I’m going to live, but the pain would be unbearable if I didn’t have this one moment to say “I love you.””

  13. …And every shipper rejoiced on that day.

  14. All I can say is………AAAAWawAAAAAaAAA!!!!!!!!

  15. I’m literally choking on my dinner becuase this is so sweet.

    The story, not the dinner.

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