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Day 26 Part 2 Page 11

“That’s not true.” Lexx suddenly burst out defensively. “I have a wide array of social skils and know how to please a woman.” Lexx managed to strangle his words down to a whisper when he realized that what he was saying was not the right thing to say, judging by the look at Victor was giving him. “I … see.” Lexx mentally filed it away to NEVER say anything like that again. He wouldn’t want Vic giving him that look again. Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!! Lexx wished he could slam his head into a wall repeatedly for saying something so foolish in front of Vic. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There were supposed to be five updates this week... but there are only three. :( I had a very anxious week culminating in half a day spent down in Dallas talking about Kim to a couple of behavioral psychologists. :D (Going over a few things about myself as well.) Small things, but things we don't know what to do about. :P She had a brain scan when she was two that showed a few interesting things that might have something to do with it all. She's very smart, just has a LITTLE problem dealing with some simple tasks that she should not have problems with. :P We find out this week if there will be further testing and if insurance covers it/how much it covers. If they find that she is a touch on the autism spectrum and it's not too costly, will likely go and get myself tested for it and other things. High functioning, yes, but it'd be nice to know one way or the other and get advice on dealing with it. (No meds.) Well, I might need some. Anxiety runs strong in my family. :/ - Tiff

39 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 2 Page 11

  1. stern expression outside, stitches of laughter inside.

    1. “Admitting a problem is the first step to fixing it.”

  2. And here I stand with all my lore, poor fool, no wiser than before.

    That’s how Goethe phrased it. Or, to use a more modern expression: Major facepalm!

    At least Lexx was smart enough to realize how stupid it was to say that…or at least the phrase he used. I mean, from the history of Lexx, we know that he, as a matter of fact, has always been a perfect gentleman, even though the ladies that booked him most likely would have wanted something more than ‘a gentleman’ at her side.

    But then again, how would Vic know that?

  3. XD Tiny headdeasking Lexx is hilarious. So perfect for that panel. Great job <3

    1. Also, I hope the tests turn out favorable, along with the insurance.

  4. BWA-HA-HAH!!! for the comic

    For the testing – yeah I know what you mean, my son got many years of special classes for autism-spectrum issue, to the point that when we moved states a psych tested him and said, ‘I don’t see it.’ Yeah whatever, dude.

    1. That’s my goal. 😉 To get her to a point where she can ‘fake’ normality to a point that a psych can’t see it. 😉

  5. Ah, seems like Lexx just had a quick case of Foot in mouth disease. ^_^

    Of coarse it probably tells Vic a lot about Lexx making that error and Vic’s expression cluing Lexx in to how he misunderstood Vic’s point.

  6. There’s a forum called “Wrong Planet” for people on the autism spectrum and their families. I’d encourage you to go there, it helped me a lot!
    (I’m borderline)

    Even if you just read through some of the threads might help you see things from a different perspective.

    The URL: http://www.wrongplanet.net/

  7. Actually, putting yourself in Lexx’s shoes probably will help you a lot. One common trait among people on the autism spectrum is that there are millions of unwritten rules guiding people’s behavior, and most people pick up on those rules without ever needed them spelled out, but aspies can’t. Like, everyone has the manual on how to behave and you never got that. It feels like being an outsider to the human race.

    1. Haha. Lexx’s ‘ways’ are written through my own experiences. 😛 Guess what I have issues with and why I prefer text to conversation over a phone. 😀 (I only cried when I was told my father died when I was 10, because my mother was crying and it seemed the thing to do. It didn’t compute.) So I’ve unwittingly written Lexx with a touch of autism.

  8. This is a good example of the difference in how Lexx was raised. To him part of how to please his betters. Look how young they start their training and it is a safe bet an abrupt end to a normal childhood. Given that Lexx has a remarkable value for life.

  9. I suggest you contact http://www.littlegiantsteps.com/ for your daughter’s autism. Jan helped my daughter when she was much younger. They are north of Dallas.

  10. Reading these comments – in addition to a couple articles I’ve read lately – make me wonder if I’m borderline, by newer standards, and my father as well. I’d always put it down to ‘not being very social’, but every time I move to a new area, I discover that all the social niceties I’d learned in the last one don’t match up, and it can take me months – or longer – to figure out what I’m doing wrong and that I’m insulting people. My friends just consider me a little strange, and put it down to the same things that make me ‘interesting’. It would probably be worse except I started wondering what makes people ‘tick’ around highschool, and now have a habit of getting on a bus or sitting in a restaurant ust to see how people interact and try to figure out why…does this sound right? I don’t really know anyone irl who knows anything about the topic, so I haven’t had anyone to ask, but it would explain an awful lot.

    1. Sounds sort of like how I have difficulties interacting with people in conversations or just in general.

      I often spend many minutes and sometimes hours analyzing were a conversation is going or what I say or said has an effect on the people I’m talking to.

      Things like death don’t bother me, but having someone or something dying in front of me and I get emotionally unbalanced.

      Never mind if your slight differences get the notice of others like fellow students. Often I get the odd feeling that I only made friends from out of pity and not any real accomplishment of me trying to do better to fit in. Heck if I know if that’s true or not. Not like I understand people and conversation enough to come to a real conclusion or not.

      So much teasing about ticks and way of thinking happened to me. Now I don’t know if I really should care of what people think.

      1. Lucky for me, I was just clueless enough that the verbal bullying in school went right over my head. I didn’t even realize anyone had tried until my Mom mentioned it years later. The advantage of being a girl, I guess – it’s harder to miss the more physical ways guys use on the ones who don’t fit in.

  11. Because there are a number of people who attack people who are undiagnosed, but suspect they have this or that, I don’t tend to talk much about it myself, but both my daughter and I do the ‘watching how people interact and think through it carefully’ and honestly, doing anything NEW is a humongous chore for me, because, now I see it, I don’t have anyone to watch, observe, or learn from in how to act and I constantly worry about offending people who I have just met and then play over every little part of the conversation afterward and hit points here and there where I wonder if I did something wrong. 😛 I’ll be referencing the sites listed. Right now, we’re hoping we can go through Children’s, because they are familiar with Kim’s history. (And I did have a psychologist comment on the thing I told them that I did… say that he had a lot of patients who did the same things.) I like to ‘see the possibilities’, which works WELL for writing, but not so well if I am stressed and driving down a road. My mind likes to suggest I do things I would NEVER do. The more stressed I get, the more frequent those suggestions get. This is why I do NOT have any contact with my family and do not desire it.

    1. *Note: That latter bit isn’t part of autism spectrum as far as I know, not completely sure what it is.

      1. That last bit matches me too, though. He doesn’t ever talk about that sort of thing, but given his writing, I suspect my Dad thinks like that as well. The more I hear or read about it the more goes ‘dingdingding’ in my head, but I’m reluctant to bring it up with my Mom because she’s tended to put everything I say regarding my health – mental or physical – down to hypochondria since I was about five years old.

        1. Someday… I need to get a real diagnosis… when it actually interferes with my ability to get along in the real world. 😀 You see… I worry all of this stuff is also just in my head!! It’s all my imagination! And my mother was a super judgmental person who likely suffered from all the same things. I know she did exploration into ‘what was wrong’ with her. Anxiety, Paranoia Schizophrenia, ADD, but she never went for autism. 😛 She does the same things I do and my sisters do the SAME THINGS I DO.

        2. My personal belief is that it puts you somewhere on the Human spectrum.

        3. They just eventually settled on AD/HD and OCD for me when I was about 5ish after years of doctor’s visits. I got so fed up with it all that by the time I was 12, I just decided to kill everything off and figure things out for myself. Probably the worst time of my life to have made that choice, but in a small town, relations were already screwed with everyone anyway; so it worked out in the long run. But a lot of what I worked out was using the one to cancel out the other. I really REALLY like making lists, but I can’t for the life of me manage my time. I’m terribly forgetful, but there are things I have to check (like doors) or it bugs me. Yay for cheating and playing things against each other.

          I was REALLY bad about tiled floors though. I did not like white/light tiles at all. My mum was really strict about that though and would make me go back to the end of the aisle and walk correctly (not every time if we were busy, but enough times that it was annoying, so I’d get used to screaming at my head to just shut up and step on the stupid white tiles).

        4. Then way later, I found out that “screaming in your head to just shut up and leave you alone” is apparently what they teach you in cognitive behavioral therapy, just more politely. Go figure.

  12. Ah, but the problem with an ‘official’ diagnosis is then it’s on your record. Things like that can mess with careers.

    1. Ooops – sorry, that was meant to be in the reply chain.

      1. IT’s still in the chain. I’m an artist. I don’t think that affects my career. 😉

        1. Mmm, true. Lucky you. I’m aiming to eventually be a teacher, I dare not pursue an official diagnosis.

        2. Yeah, I can see why. 😀 Despite it all, you’ll do great!

  13. Thanks ^_^ I hope so. I’ve noticed that what I get out of a class seems to depend more on the teacher’s passion for the subject than on their social skills – I’m hoping that holds true for other people, because then my fascination with languages should be enough to get lessons across.

    1. Thinking about that.. .wow… that’s VERY true. 😀

  14. Odd… comment didn’t post, but I know I saw it posted to my email: Wait.. you mean the complete OBLIVIOUSNESS I had as a kid is part of it?? 🙁 I never understood what was going on outside of school work. 🙁 Unfortunately, I was NOT clueless about being bullied, because I was physically bullied and threatened every single day of my public school experience. 🙁 Nowadays, I enter a complete stupor when I am surrounded by too many people/at conventions.

    1. Makes sense to me. Girl bullies convey a lot of their meaning with tone of voice and facial expression, as their methodology is to undercut the target’s confidence. Easy to miss if you have trouble with social signals. The only bullying I ever noticed at the time was when a bunch of boys tried to treestump me on the way to class – and I still didn’t figure out that they were being malicious about it (or that they might have been) until hours later.

      1. Though – it’s possible I would’ve been in for more physical bullying if not for an incident in first grade when I punched a sixth grade boy for not letting me take my turn to serve the volleyball at recess.

        1. When I was in first grade, a kid took my worksheet, erased my name and wrote his name on it. Sensing the injustice, I took it back, erased my name and ROBIN went to the teacher accusing me of changing HIS name. I got in trouble… and recess followed immediately with a bunch of kids teasing me for crying… until I lunged at Robin, slammed him on the ground and attempted to choke him to death. Luckily, there were aides nearby. They sent me to the office – I didn’t go. 😀 I hid behind a door. Kid deserved it, but I swore I’d never do that again, because I got in trouble… not because I shouldn’t. Oh and that’s the ONLY name of any school kid from grade school to Jr. High that I can recall and vividly remember his face. I’m not violent, can’t stand violent video games or movies. 😛 Not a danger to anyone not threatening me. 😀

        2. I was luckier. In the aforementioned incident, they send us both to the principal’s office. I was tiny at the time, didn’t even look like I should be in kindergarden, much less first grade – the principal looked at me, looked at him, and informed him that if he couldn’t handle a girl my size that was [i]his[/i] problem. A little unfair for him, I suppose, looking back – but given that I don’t think I came much past his waist….I’m not generally violent either, usually when I get the impulse anymore it’s in defense of one of the very few people I’m really close to.

  15. Foot in mouth, to the knee!

  16. Heh, this is actually a pretty good example of what Vic just said about social skills. And Vic probably realizes that, even if Lexx doesn’t. 🙂

    And judging by his reaction, especially the choice of defense, Lexx doesn’t really know exactly what Vic means with “social skills” either – it sounds more like a part of a sales pitch he’s had hammered into him than something he really knows – which shows how extensive the problem is, I guess.

  17. I’m sorry, I have to go to the hospital. I gave myself a concussion from face palming too hard.

  18. LOL, Vic just found out that the ADC’s chair is a pimp! Not something you’d want to mention to the future father-in-law, heh.

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