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Day 26 Part 2 Page 10

“I am serious when I say that if you are anything less than respectful to my daughter, I don’t care how powerful you are, you will regret it.” The calmness in Victor’s voice sent a cold chill down Lexx’s back. “I am also serious when I say that I can give you honest advice and not judge you for asking for it.” Victor kept his eyes on Lexx, watching the minute shifts in his expression from uneasiness to skeptical, with flickers of nothing in between. He was better than Chel had been at picking up on the tiny twitches and subconscious gestures Lexx made. Beyond Lexx’s ears, skin tone and wings, he was very much human and in Vic’s eyes, a very thoughtful and sincere young man. “Based on everything I’ve heard and observed, you were never given the right social skills to naturally function as anything but alone.” Vic did not add to that what he thought. He was sure that what social skills Lexx did have, were meant to keep him isolated.

3 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 2 Page 10

  1. Honesty and candor are not always nice, but lying and holding back can be worse. Lexx probably does need this sort of honest chat with someone too.

  2. Poor Lexx… still, good to set the ground rules with the father-in-law.

  3. I know in the past I have been somewhat against Chel’s dad (brain fart here, cannot remember his name >.<) but what he is saying and how he is saying it to Lex… I just love him for it. Not only is he being downright honest with Lex without holding anything back; he is also being incredibly respectful to him. Sometimes you may want the soft approach because it doesn't sting so bad, but this way Che's dad is treating him like a grown man, not a wounded emotional warrior. *hugs both men*

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