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Day 28 6

Lexx passed through several hallways that had been carefully chiseled through the rock. The walls were worn smooth by alien tools. Lexx grumbled running a hand against one wall. This was not what he had wanted. The machined walls were perfect, just like everywhere he had ever lived. They were smooth, shiny, and perfect. Lexx had used simpler tools to break the initial narrow halls and rooms. He liked the rough feel of the natural rock more than this. His thoughts darkened as he walked down another hall. They want to kill me. Lexx scowled at the thought. They’re going to have a difficult time doing that. Lexx stopped for a moment, listening for the sounds of anyone nearby. There was only silence.

3 thoughts on “Day 28 6

  1. Yes, Lexx. Soon, they will see your power!

    I, too, like natural stone walls. So nice.

  2. I noticed that Lexx’s avian wings have been slowly growing in size over the last few in-comic days. His bat wings basically came into being almost instantly. Why are these taking longer? He won’t be able to fly for the gauntlet challenge. Can he ask for a postponement?

  3. that’s the spirit Lexx don’t give in to those *several explitives deleted*!!!!

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