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September 18, 2004 (1 Comment)

Lexx drew his arms up closer to his body.  There were marks crisscrossing his right arm.  They were healing quickly, but still bleeding profusely as the nanites repaired the damage. "I'm not going to sit here and watch you hurt yourself."  Riley held out his hand to Lexx. "I'm sure you have an excellent view on your ship,"  growled Lexx, putting the rock in his left hand and starting to move it out of Lexx's reach. "Lexx, don't-"  Riley was trying not to insult Lexx by treating him like a child,.. but sometimes he really didn't give him any other choice. "Go away, Riley!  Leave me alone!  Can't you see this is how it's going to be?!"  Lexx planted his left arm and fended off Riley's arm with his elbow.  In the same movement, he started to stand. "Lexx!!"  Riley lunged at the rishan, grabbing him around the waist and using his weight to keep him off balance.  Lexx growled and flailed his wings.  The tips of his wings were catching in the dirt, and Lexx wasn't really in the mood to put up much of a fight.

One thought on “September 18, 2004 (1 Comment)

  1. when the entire world just feels like it is against you sometimes feeling you can control the pain is enough. I can only imagine when the universe actually is against you it is that much worse.

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