4 714

September 25, 2004

Lexx took a moment to rub his eyes.  Chel was still there when he opened them.  She was really there. "Where are we going today, Lexx?"  And she spoke like nothing had happened. "I am really sorry, Chel,"  The first words that managed to escape from Lexx's mouth.  He did not waste any time, "I should have told you about the relay when I found out." "Yes, you should have, but it's ok,"  Chel was remarkably cheerful, Lexx thought.  "Riley showed me how to keep you out.  Where are we going today?" Riley?  Lexx's eyes widened, his guard dropped and panic written plainly across his face.  What had Riley said?  '… she knows … I didn't ….'  Lexx's mind immediately shut down as he searched for something appropriate to say.  "I-" "I know…  I think you owe me a look into your mind sometime.  It's only fair."  Chel didn't actually mean it.  She didn't want to go traipsing around in Lexx's head.  There was no telling what could be hiding in there.  She wanted to know him... just not that well. "Yes, whenever you want."  Lexx scooted up to be facing Chel on his hands and knees.  He apparently didn't hear the joking in her voice.  "I really did not mean-" "Lexx."  Chel sighed with a smile, "I know.  I understand.  It's okay."

4 thoughts on “September 25, 2004

  1. Is it just me, or does 3rd panel Lexx look kinda like Jay Leno? xD

    1. …….curse you. I will never unsee it… >.<*

  2. Awww! Moments like these are why I love your comic and adore these two especially. Alien Dice is so addictive, for the art and the writing. Few we comics capture emotions like yours, Ms Ross. This is my third re-read and I still enjoy it all. Never a dull moment. Smile! 😀

  3. Man, Chel is a fantastically understanding girl. Rational, forgiving, and not very vindictive. She has mood swings, of course, but compared to Lexx, she’s extremely calm and mentally balanced.

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