2 661

October 01, 2004 (3 Comments)

Less than ten minutes later, Riley was stomping down a hallway with Lisaan in tow.  Crew members and servants were quick to get out of his way.  They had only seen Riley angry a couple of times before, and rumors had been spread about just how bad Riley's temper was in compared to his normally good natured appearance. "Zaile!!"  Riley shouted as he entered the star-side dining hall that Zaile ate in.  He was sitting at his table, with smaller tables around.  Each table had a variety of foods, fruits and pastries. Zaile didn't react to Riley's voice, taking a long slow drink out of his cup.  Cinka was sitting beside him, snickering quietly to herself. "Riley is such a creature of habit."  Zaile commented drolly to her. Riley slammed his hands down on the table that Zaile and Cinka were eating at.  The dishes rattled and Riley heard the sound of armor plates rustling close by.  Zaile held up his hands to keep the guards from coming any closer.  He knew he had nothing to be afraid of.  Lisaan kept close to Riley, almost trying to hide behind him from Zaile.  She wasn't sure if she had succeeded or not. "What is the meaning of this?!" exclaimed Riley, "Why did you put this girl in my rooms?!  If I want a bedmate, I'll FIND my own!  And NOT a paid one!" "Maelinn is not available for your choosing, Riley."  Zaile shrugged, staring blankly back at Riley.  His face was devoid of any strong emotion. Riley took a moment, then calmly spoke, "Maelinn can think for herself, Zaile."

2 thoughts on “October 01, 2004 (3 Comments)

  1. Oh, up for confrontation, isn’t he? Though I wonder…isn’t he snapping at the hand that’s feeding him right now?

    1. in a sense yes but Riley has his own family wealth to go on. It has been mentioned a couple of times that he is fairly well to do, he uses Zaile for his connections alone.

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