3 937

October 05, 2004

"You have made my precious Maelinn lie to me," stated Zaile in an unnervingly steady voice.  "How could you betray my trust?"  He sounded genuinely disappointed.  "Be gone, Riley."  And he was. "You're fired."  Zaile lifted his hand, motioning the guards to move in.  There were four of them, all heavily built Rishan in full armored dress. "Fine.  I'll be taking Maelinn with me."  Riley didn't miss a breath.  He wasn't sure she would come with him, but certain that it was more likely than not.

3 thoughts on “October 05, 2004

  1. Lie, or just not tell you everything? She IS a young woman, they don’t tell their father-figures everything ever 😛

  2. I really want to see Zaile throw a tantrum over this. He is such a spoiled brat.

  3. On the one hand, Zalie’s a spoiled brat, but Maelinn is basically his daughter, and Riley, his employee, who is probably older than her, has had a relationship with said daughter (possibly an intimate one) behind his back. Much as I hate to concede anything where Zalie is concerned, he’s actually in the right to be pissed at Riley. I don’t believe for a second he would have been okay with their relationship if they’d been upfront about their feelings, and he chose the most petty, callous and insulting method possible to make his feelings known, but I can’t fault him for being mad. After all, if this was my daughter I might have killed Riley in his sleep, so Zalie actually seems reasonable in comparison.

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