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October 21, 2004

Sythe covered a lot of ground in seconds, his sharp eyes scanning patches of the rainforest below.  While Skri was a large creature, it could still be difficult to find her if she were beneath the canopy or against the rocks.  Sythe decided that it was likely … the other dice would be above the treetops.  It offered the best vantage point. The hawk streaked around the mountains, searching the crags for likely spots and finally found his target.  Skri was dozing on a Cliffside, the length of her avian and serpentine blended body stretched out in almost a perfect blend to the rock surrounding her.  The lighter striations in her feathers looked very much like rocky veins from a distance.  What gave her away was the white plumage and large pale fore claws that were flexed out in front of her body. Sythe spiraled downward in a graceful dive.   Skri was too busy sleeping to see or hear him coming… until Sythe let out a screeching war cry.  Skri's head jerked upward, the feathers on her neck ruffling upright in surprise.  Sythe swooped and grabbed several claw fulls of head feathers. Skri snarled, her beak gaping open in a rage.  "My beautiful feathers!  I JUST groomed!"  She roared, clacking her beak shut several times in emphasis.  Then she spread her massive wings and pushed off the cliff, immediately setting off after Sythe.

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