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September 01, 2004 (2 Comments)

Back in Chel's backyard, she had just been through a crash course on how to properly access and make use of the relay.  Now, she was speaking to Riley across a mental star field in her mind.  "If I have to be stuck with something,… I guess this isn't too bad.  It's kinda neat,.. like a virtual internet in my head."  She commented to the Littan giving her a fang filled grin in front of her. "It is a good thing, Chel."  Riley reiterated, pleased with his accomplishment.  He was excited and it was easy to see.  His curly blonde hair kept bouncing with every movement.  "You can talk to Lexx without being anywhere near him.  You can talk to me as well, if you need to.  But you do have to learn to watch for strangers skimming your thoughts.  Once you know that they are doing it, you can block them immediately, just like how I showed you." "Ok,.. and skimming only shows surface thoughts and emotions?"  inquired Chel, wanting to make sure she fully understood some of the terms that Riley was using. "Yes.  It takes time to establish a full lock and even then you have the ability to sever the connection.  Once you issue a sever command,… it can never be reestablished." Replied the exuberant Littan. "Thanks for telling me, Riley,… I feel better now,…"  Chel offered a smile.  It did make her feel better.  He had shown her how to access the relay's controls and even summon up a manual to go through that told her even more details on the uses of the relay and various commands.  It was remarkably simple to use.

2 thoughts on “September 01, 2004 (2 Comments)

  1. Well, I’m a programmer, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my career: Making something simple is not always as simple as it may seem…but always worth it in the long run.

    1. Yup – making it simple on the outside can require making it pretty darned complicated on the inside! Speaking as a fellow programmer. 😎

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