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Day 24 Part 2

“Oh, I assure you that I did not bring you here.”  Trasik shook her head and smiled calmly.  “That was handled by someone with far more devious contacts than I would ever have access to.  I was just told to expect a special gift with my recent acquisitions.” Chel’s entire body tensed up with rage at how Trasik referred to the children.  “You have no right to keep me here.” “I’m not keeping you here.  You can leave anytime you desire to.”  Trasik laughed as though Chel was being willfully ignorant of the facts. “That’s kind of difficult when I don’t have a ship!”  snapped Chel. “Not my problem, Human.”  Trasik waved one hand limply, dismissing any notion of responsibility for Chel.  “I didn’t bring you here and I’m not in the mood for travel.  I do have good news for you, my brother Riley is on his way here.”  Trasik chose her words carefully, amused at the girl’s facial reactions.

22 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 2

  1. Huh, what do the galactic laws look like for “accessory to kidnapping?” They must be really lax, either in wording or enforcement for that kind of excuse to be valid.

    1. Come on we’re talking about a galaxy that allows slavery and the abduction of children. Actually that doesn’t sound much different than the majority of governments found on our own lovely little dirt ball.

      1. Unfortunately, you’re right v_v

  2. Um… I hate to play Devil’s Advocate here… but could she be telling the truth? If SHE isn’t the one who set up the kidnapping, the question now becomes “Who did, and why?”.

    1. Remember the time when the head of the ADC met the investor’s representations? There was mention of “current plans”, followed by the Guantlet if those failed….

    2. Oh yes, and the guy who actually kidnapped Chel directly was under the direct command of the head of the ADC….

  3. I think I remember a scene where Trasik arranged *something* with the kidnapper. Perhaps that was just additional slaves, however, and the kidnapping of Chel was arranged by the AD corporation – to setup a spectacular battle between Trasik and Lexx, and hopefully boost their ratings.

  4. I think I remember a scene where Trasik arranged *something* with the kidnapper. Perhaps that was just additional slaves, however, and the kidnapping of Chel was arranged by the AD corporation – to setup a spectacular battle between Trasik and Lexx, and hopefully boost their ratings.

    The scene where “they” arrange things with First is here:

    1. That is suspicious but unfortunately its not proof enough. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see who is really responsible for this. Although for obvious reasons I’m still suspicious of Trasik, she might be lying or she could really not know anything about this.

      But if Trasik didn’t have anything to do with this then would the ADC really be dumb enough to pull this kind of stunt with all the fans that are bound to be outraged by this, minus the ones that don’t like Chel?

      1. If Trasik didn’t at least help, why isn’t she more startled at Chel’s arrival? Is it possible the ADC set this up, but also managed to get her help? If I were Trasik and I didn’t know my arch-enemy’s girlfriend was going to show up at my place, I’d be curious and startled as to the true nature of this particular kidnapping. I think Trasik got a call from the ADC and agreed to harbor Chel to get Lexx to show up and fight.
        But hey, that’s my opinion.

    2. In your link they never did mention Trasik in particular, only a Sairah. We can’t rule out Riley either, however nice and trustwothy he may be. He did discontinue working for Zale, but that also said that he may not be as stable as he seems. He also admited to being jealous of Lexx, several posts ago. I really like Riley and seriously doubt he is the one, I’m placing my cards on Trasik. But Riley is a possibility, and I also won’t rule him out until this whole thing is over.

      The aforementioned post is at

    3. @Ryn; Hey hold on. Trasik is a Littan, Ryn. What’s all this talk about a Siarah? I think you got a little confused there.

  5. Does Trasik know that Lexx is with Riley?

    1. It is conceivable… She may be just playing dumb and waiting to see if Lexx will risk breaking the rules to save Chel. She may hope he will come charging in and attack her without a challenge and get his ownership transferred to her. Or, she may be just a tool, used for the essential ‘greater good’ of the ADC. But I think Riley and Damian have come up with a plan while Lexx is dreaming away his anxiety. I think they’re gonna be sneaky and wheedle their way out of there without breaking rules or bones.
      Guess we’ll just have to wait and see though.

  6. @.o This comic gives my brain headaches! 😛

    1. Trasik used Confusion. It’s Super Effective!

      Trasik is lying to Chel for various reasons. Not the least of which is covering her own posterior.

  7. @ Me: You’re not the only one.
    @ Elethril: I concur.

  8. Actually I believe her, this is clearly a trap laid out by the ADC to force Lexx into a reset.

  9. @mysterygal: Outrage is fine, as long as it’s not directed at the ADC. Hell, outrage would probably boost their ratings. Trasik has a known grudge against Lexx and would make the perfect scapegoat, when you get right down to it.

  10. Let’s not forget, the Gauntlet has been started… it’s likely that Trasik was told, ‘You can help reset Lexx if you do what we say.’ And I think everyone agrees she would agree to just about anything to get yet another crack at Lexx… heck, she may even have suggested to them to take Chel… but then having to house the woman she hates so much, I don’t see Trasik being THAT willing… but naturally I COULD be wrong….

    1. Are you sure the Gauntlet has begun? I only remember Saign saying that they were thinking about it. Did they? If so I missed that post.

  11. Does she have a double set of boobs?

    If not her lower ribcage is a little too dark if you are working to show that she is thin.

    Love the texture of her hair.

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