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Day 24 Part 2

“You’d think they’d treat us better for relation’s sake.”  Keith leaned against the glass wall, shifting his gaze to the stars in thought. “They’re not diplomats, Keith.”  Vic shook his head and glanced around the area they had chosen to talk candidly in.  It was the only place that Vic felt they could talk without being overheard.  There were no trees for several yards and they could see any dice that might be listening in before they heard anything they shouldn’t.  “More like Paris Hilton on a ‘humanitarian’ trip to a third world … world.  They think they’re better than we are because they are more technologically advanced.” Keith frowned at the thought as Vic continued.  “Look around you.  Traveling from planet to planet is obviously no more of an expense than going next door to visit the neighbors.  They are using our world for a game.  A game.”

8 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 2

  1. Hahahaha, love the Paris Hilton comment 😀 So true >:)
    Also, as for the “we’re better because we have technology” thing – I think I don’t have to remind you that it was exactly like this every time more advanced group of humans “discovered” the less advanced ones. I only wonder if it would be any different now. Have we (as a whole) finally grew up or just grew old? Fortunately or not we ran out of undiscovered civiliztions.

    1. There’s an article I once read about how humanity would cope with alien contact called “Alien in our own minds.” (I think.) The article posed the questions:

      How “alien” are we to people who live across the world in a different coutry? For that matter, how alien are we to people who live a single gas tank’s distance of driving away?

      And would we really have that much trouble coping when we’ve already dealt with this sort of issue within our own societies?

  2. As for the “They are using our world for a game. A game.” comment. Vic should be happy their only interest in our world is as a gaming backdrop. I’m sure the Aliens have some wonderful varients of smallpox.

    1. lol Yeah really. Or what would happen if they suddenly needed our natural resources or just felt like taking over our planet. We’d be screwed unless we could rapidly develop defensive (and later offensive) technology. 😉

    2. Diseases are quite specific to a species, generally speaking. An alien virus is unlikely to even register you as a meal. A bacteria or fungus might, but not a virus.

      1. While diseases may be “quite specific”, remember that most of the characters we have seen so far are very similar.
        Remember that Rishan (and by this measure humans), Littans and Kourwine can interbreed. (See Maelinn). If the species are close enough that their genetic material can cross those borders, so can diseases.

  3. WOW! Big batch of thoughts to ponder and consider. Scociologists would have a field day reading this page and the comments below.
    Tiff, you do GREAT work. It helps having an intelligent audience.

  4. Honestly, the universe is a big place to patrol. IF Earth had any resources, I don’t think anyone would know about it being razed and all the valuables taken until it’s too late.

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