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Day 24 Part 3

Chel looked up in time to see the glint of blue metal in Trasik’s hand and a brilliant glow emitting from her eyes.  Trasik swung her arm down, following it with her entire body as it took the last bit of life within her to do it. Lexx reacted without a thought.  He still couldn’t see exactly what was going on, but whatever it was, he wasn’t going to let anything happen to Chel. He rolled to his left, grabbing Chel in his arms and pulling her with him, putting him between her and Trasik.  He barely felt the dagger as Trasik drove it almost up to the hilt into his shoulder, then crumpled over next to him.

28 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 3

  1. “it took the last bit of life within her”

    That sounds pretty final to me. Poor Riley. Even though he (and the rest of the world) may probably better off without her, she is/was still his sister. =(

  2. Oh carp. I hope that wasn’t poisoned or something.

    1. Even if it was poisoned Lexx’s Nanites will eliminate the poison.

  3. Freaky as it sounds, i don’t think it was Trasik in control at this point. Call me crazy but it’s the glowing eyes that make me suspicous.

    1. some times gloing eyes are used ans a visual gimic for anger

      1. I don’t think so in this case, not with the prevalence of high-power nanetics in the AD’verse. I’m going to have to agree with Cy’beta on this.

        1. yeh but nanetics are put into dice not playres and chell did just tab her and if I was trasik i would be angry too

        2. no, Nanetics are everywhere – the healing nanos that Riley put on Chel’s shoulder, the mind link is nanetic, they’re a pervasive tech.

        3. yeh but what reasone is there to mind control trasik also being a rich family I’m shore they are protected from said mind control technology. I’m sorry but anger and revenge seem the more obivos driving motives behind her action.

  4. even if it was poisoned, lex’s nanos would repel the poison.

  5. I saw the eye glow and thought “Did Trasik just Roll a new side?” Then I read the summary. Sort of kills the speculation. 🙂

  6. Wow. I did not expect Trasik to kill herself to try to take Chel from Lexx. I really should have, but I didn’t.

    Lexx made a relatively good choice here. His nanotech can handle a knife wound and, as mentioned before, any poison that might be on the knife.

    And while Chel might have interfered in an official Alien Dice duel, Trasik’s attack here might negate any interference. Then again, I think that the ADC won’t care and let Lexx be free for the moment while still dropping the gauntlet on him anyway.

  7. okay where’s chell head

    1. Wrapped up in Lexx’s arms.

  8. Hmm… Missing chest plate… Glowing eyes of Doom…

    …ah, crap, this is a decoy Trasik, isn’t it?

    1. Could be, but…red motor oil?

  9. Ding Dong! The witch is dead! Lalalalalalalala!

    Could it be in Trasik’s last seconds she stop thinking about Lex and started minding the fact that Chel ran her through?

    Well she was rather in a rut about Lex.

  10. Ooh fake Trasik makes sense. There are those Mimic creatures right?

    Even if Trasik is dead I still have concerns.

    1. Is it possible that’s a special knife that somehow nanos can’t heal? If something like that existed it would make sense she’d have it for this battle.

    2. The fight never really ended with Lexx and those 2 dice, so does he still have to defeat them? If he loses where does that leave him?

    3. Wasn’t there some rule about if an outsider interferes in a battle on someone’s behalf that fighter automatically loses?

    4. Only time will tell I guess what’s going to happen to Chel but I find it unlikely she get off without some consequences after killing someone… How serious those consequences are remains to be seen. Maybe Lexx will take the blame?

    Ooh and a final thought. If it wasn’t Trasik, her claim at the beginning that she can use 2 dice since he challenged her in her own home would be invalid right?

  11. Like I said before, we know there were two mimics out there and we never learned what happened with the second one. Replacing Trasik with one fpr the actual duel as a fail safe to the plan to make sure Lexx fails would be a cute plot twist. Trasik could be in a VIP holding cell right now, maybe even voluntarily.

  12. Hee-hee-hee… I betcha that’s not Trasik. oh, man, wait ’til Lexx finds out that was a decoy.
    But. . . when the other decoy was ed, she turned almost immediately into a statue. So why hasn’t this one?

    1. Cripe. That retarded ‘ed’ was ed when I posted that.

      1. Oh my gosh apparently it censors. How about killed?

        1. Wow .. it actually censored something?! Yet it let through far worse words!

  13. Bwahahahaha!! Lexx’ll be fine; his nanos will see to that; but Trasik and all her poisonous machinations are dead and gone for good! Whooohoooo!!!

  14. Welp, panel 1 will be showing up in my nightmares.

  15. There are a few things wrong with the fake Trasik. 1)If it was a mimic, she wouldn’t have needed a dagger. She could make any blade she wanted with her hands. 2)The last mimic needed to be shot in the head in order to go down. I would think that, that would be the best way to kill them. 3)When the last mimic was dying it started to change back into it’s original form, a green creature, and there is no change here.
    I think it’s just a birth defect. She wasn’t born with a chest plate.

    1. Running Charge + Heavy Spear + Adrenaline Rush = Bonus Damage and Extra Penetration!

      I don’t believe this Trasik was a fake and I’m sure that Chel just got enough momentum to pierce the bone plate.

  16. To the last I grapple with thee!
    From hell’s heart I stab at thee!
    For hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee!

    Obsess much?

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