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Day 24 Part 3

Lexx pulled Chel tightly against himself, waiting for the worst to happen.  Chel was shaking in his arms and that only made him hold her closer.  The battle had been short, but it had taken its toll on him.  He swore to himself repeatedly as the facts settled in that he had lost and why, then, for the moment, he had Chel. Stealth paced around the scene, wrinkling her muzzle at the smell of spilled blood.  Riley, at first, was talking to Trasik, saying something about how she was going to be okay.  He would call someone.  Then, he suddenly made an annoyed growling sound and shoved her aside.  Damian hovered near Lexx and Chel, trying to see if there was something he could do, but neither Chel or Lexx were answering his questions. Lexx’s weariness kept him in a dreamlike state and he pressed his face against Chel’s hair.  His only thoughts were keeping what he could of her close for as long as he could. Then, it struck him.  His shoulder felt like it was rippling with thousands of tiny stinging sensations, concentrated around the blade.  The feeling suddenly began spreading through his veins, bringing with it a painful coldness.  It was unlike any pain Lexx had ever felt in his entire life and it was rapidly spreading through his body. “Get it out!  Get it out!”  Lexx pushed himself up quickly, away from Chel.  Small muscle spasms had begun in his shoulder and were rapidly going down his arms, increasing in intensity with each passing second.

44 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 3

  1. I know that there is a lot of blood in panel 2, but I really think you have captured such emotion there, it is really moving and also done with such skill. Their hair is wonderfully done, and Chel’s eye is very striking. Well done!

  2. Very nice portrayal of the “tangle” they’re all in. DID Lexx actually lose? If Trasik really kicks it, would that invalidate the fight? What kind of wicked poison could that be? Does it reprogram the nanites or something? Is he being petrified? Gah, so many questions I have!!!

  3. Hoho! He tosses his own sister’s impaled body aside. Fake Trasik theory just got a big boost.

    What sort of nastiness was on that blade anyway, and who was it intended for originally?

    1. Either that, or he just realized what she did with the dagger (and what it does to Lexx).

    2. it was intende for Chell and Lexx block it

  4. There is something in the blade that is destabalizing Lexx’s nanites. Poison or some type of virus program nanites, I don’t know.

    The scarier thought is what would this have done to Chel?

    1. Maybe not. If it only reprograms nanites then Chel would have only been stabbed. Unfortunately, I think it’s a really nasty nanite based poison that is designed to kill tissue and destroy the body of whoever it’s used on.

      It could be something that affects a Dice or reprograms nanotech, but that strikes me as inefficient when the knife might get used on someone who has neither of those vulnerabilities.

      I think Lexx made the right choice in protecting Chel, even if it is costing him a lot of pain and maybe his life.

  5. Ouch! Did Travik’s pull a Khan?

    Well if the dagger was that painful and working through his body, I would have to say it was originally tailored for use on Lex or that their is something really nasty on it.

    Poisons and dangerous nanites might be a few options for Travik’s. But it wouldn’t surprise me if she had a dagger made that could act like a tag earring. ( Let’s face facts, Travik’s “was” a real piece of work and inflicting pain while making the claim would probably fit her with how she treats some of her dice for making her life difficult.)

    I guess we won’t know until later. The possibilities are endless and probably all nasty at this point.

  6. I had a crazy idea about this page. Well, about what the dagger’s doing to him. What if it’s separating the dice from him, making him a normal person again?

    1. why would trasik wan’t to do that

    2. and remeber it was originaly ment for chell

  7. I’m sorry it still looks like lex is eating her brains but maby its just me

  8. Yeah, Geez Riley, why the hell are you worried about your wicked, psycho-witch of a sibling? She was awful and you know it; the universe is better off without her. Now toss her sorry carcass away and focus on what her evil little knife is doing to Lexx! It’s obviously some new, horrible technology that simultaneously inhibits nano-healing and disseminates organic tissues. If left unchecked Lexx will probably be reduced to little more than a messy; True Bloodesque mess of blood and disintegrated organic matter splattered on the arena grounds. Let’s focus on THAT, ok Riley?

  9. Yup. It’s a poisoned blade.

  10. I knew it, I knew it. Wish I’d called it.

  11. Well the Nannites won’t let Lexx die…but he may wind up reverting to die form…Back to side 1 again, dangit…

    1. well he would look mor human then and there for fit in better on earth

  12. Has anyone considered the possibility that it might possibly hurt to have an object embedded in you while you’re trying to heal? No?

    Mm. Well, we’ll see….

    1. The fact that the pain is spreading through him like a swarm of ants suggests that there was something on/in the dagger meant to cause a painful death.

      1. Just because the nanites heal him, doesn’t mean it’s instant. A fast enough poison that had some nanite inhibitor would do just like radiation poisoning or ricin would in real life, killing the cells before the body has TIME to heal. Think of the venoms that make you bleed to death, also. Then again, it might just be that the blade was covered in something like salt. >:)

    2. yeh if the pain was mor localized I would agree with you kyn but sence it’s spreding especialy thrugh the veins i’m going to have to go with Me on this one and say it’s poison

  13. There’s a reason why she carried that knife around. Knowing Lexx’s healing abilities, it’s definitely not a normal knife, that’s for sure. It probably could have eradicated Chel if he hadn’t saved her. I hope all goes well for the suspense is constantly building within this story.

  14. Okay, new thought. This dagger was indeed meant for Chel. What if it _doesn’t_ have some nano tech? Call me crazy, but what if it is just poison? Hurts like something else in the veins, but eventually the nanos will take care of it. In Chel it would’ve killed her, but if it was intended for Chel, who’s to say it isn’t just poison?

    Now, on the other hand, the dagger might be Trasik’s last resort and she poisoned it so that it would work on anyone, Chel, Lexx, you name it.
    Something to chew on, ain’t it?

  15. Someone once told me “when it comes to love a true testament to one’s love is not if they are willing to die for you but if they are willing to kill for you.”
    It has been implied that Chel just killed Traski (WOOT) for Lexx …I think she’s a keeper.
    Still for Traski to keep such a weapon meant that she intended to use it on Lexx.

    1. but her she has clearly chosen to use it upon chell

      1. Ah, but having that dagger would have worked on anyone.

        For what it’s worth, it could have been the case that Chel just stole her prize and took her life in one single thrust. Reaching for a weapon made for Lex to get revenge for Chel’s interference could have been just as likely.

        It may even be the case that the knife may be a way to punish unruly children that Travik’s collected. The strength of the effect depends on how the knife is used.

        1. Uh, theories like your last one make me remember that it’s Tiff writing this story. She usually doesn’t go for anything that dark or disturbing. And we already heard the punishment for the kids.

          Jamming their relays and putting them in sensory deprivation tanks is probably more than enough.

        2. True, true.

          Tiff even gives some more clarification just below.

          I also find your insight below about it as well thought out. A dagger is the last ditch in a pinch weapon that you keep concealed in your pocket. It could be a standard practice for a Littan female to carry one and even be poisoned.

    2. Not necessarily. The “poison”, for lack of any confirmation of what it is, could just be a really nasty way of killing someone.

      In that case, it’s Trasik’s holdout dagger for stabbing someone that she thinks needs to get a bad case of “dead”.

      The only reason that I can think that Trasik would have a dagger specifically designed for Lexx is that she went completely around the bend in the last few hours and decided to just outright kill him. Part of why I think that is because you don’t buy someone a “gift” of another person if you plan on just killing them.

      1. Poisoned weapons are easily a double edged weapon. You can easily poison yourself with it as you can poison your opponent.

  16. General nanites do not replicate.
    Programmed nanites will only work on body with a dna match to their program.
    Chel will never be turned into a dice.
    While I’m sure there are unsavory types who would treat their dice harshly, most avoid disfiguring/scarring punishments.

    1. so that begs the question: does it have to be an exact match or a species match, because Rishans are genetically Human…

  17. What if… and this is just speculation from a weirdo like me…

    What if that knife HAD been for Lexx all along… and she purposely aimed for Chel to MAKE Lexx take the hit, knowing he would willingly take it? What if this was a last-minute ploy to essentially make Chel feel like Lexx is now dying BECAUSE of her actions…?

  18. Okay, yes, Chel might feel awful, but I really think the nanites will take care of any poison. It might have him black out, he will probably have to drink some nourishing drinks, but all in all I think he’ll be fine. Chel on the other hand is definitely going to have some trauma.

  19. One thing that occured to me when reading the ‘Bleeding Kansas’ article on Wikipedia is that this story is heading towards a moment like that. Eventually, the people for/against ADC will have violence.

  20. Look in panel 1- Lexx’s shirt is still mostly intact around the knife. In panel 2, there’s more bleeding and a small tear- by the last panel, there is not one, but TWO wounds, and waaaay more blood, so this could indicate the knife may have some sort of SOMETHING in it that is literally ripping him apart, or causing the wounds to spread further- like that strain of Strep that is flesh-eating.

    Just a theory ;D

  21. Has anyone noticed the strange light just barely noticable from the feathers?

    It looks like some feathers are actually falling appart like sprinkler stick fireworks.

    1. It pleases me that someone noticed that. 😀

      1. I saw it and guessed Lexx was going to roll to his next side.

    2. I have now. It bodes ill and it points to the possibility that Bioliuminous might be right on the nature of the poison.

      No matter what it is, it bodes ill for Lexx and makes me think that hospitalization will be necessary if Riley/the others figure out how to stop the poison.

      I can only wonder if the effect would be worse, or how much worse the effect would be on someone who doesn’t have nanotech protecting them. I can also only hope that there is a way to stop this poison. 🙁 I can think of a way in the worst case scenario, but it wouldn’t be pleasant for anyone. Especially not Lexx. 🙁

      1. I thought of another possibility.

        It could be that all the damage he took is enough for Lexx to roll up a side. Of course rolling with a dagger in him can’t be all that comfortable.

        So all they might need to do is take the knife out.

        1. There may be hope yet! Good thinking there.

          Oh, and thank you for the compliment. I’m not really used to getting a lot of them. 😉

        2. It could be the best/worst of both worlds. He could be poisoned while he’s also leveling. So gaining the level might solve the poison problem.

          Or he might not fully level until the poison is stopped/slowed.

    3. quoted from Day 24 part 3:
      “Chel stumbled over herself, careful of Lexx’s mangled wings as she tried to get his attention. He was healing quickly from his injuries and the edges of his most severely injured wing feathers were glittering with activity as they were reabsorbed and converted back to energy for use in the process. It was like watching the last flickering embers of a fire still feeding on a lump of coal.”

      it’s probably just this process

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