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Day 24 Part 4 Page 10

“What happens if Lexx doesn’t have the nanites?”  Chel moved away from her father, still seeking answers. “Lexx doesn’t have an immune system, Chel.”  Riley shook his head.  “The nanites replaced it and he would be vulnerable until a new set of nanites were introduced.” “That would only be a temporary measure.  Any new nanites would eventually be infected with the virus on even a single remaining deactivated nanite,” added Kade with a slow shake of his head. “We need a cure.”  Damian spoke up with what was on everyone’s mind.  He had been listening in silence, having nothing to offer in terms of real information and not really wanting to introduce with Kade present.  His entire manner was different in the elder littan’s presence.

11 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 4 Page 10

  1. “We need a cure”. Lets see, we need to establish a new immune system. For that we would need a bone marrow donor from a close relative, perhaps someone like his MOTHER?
    (first rule of fiction: the culprit/savior is always a minor character introduced in a previous chapter and almost immediately forgotten)

    1. Actually, perhaps a better (or more romantic) subject would be Chel. I seems to remember a while back it being mentioned that Lexx is mostly human, genetically. If he’s close enough, the antibodies and bacteria that all humans carry might be enough for him.

      1. Mostly human means the chance of Chel being a matching donor is effectively 0.

        As it stands, it’s not uncommon to find no bone marrow matches among two parents, four grandparents and several siblings. This is why groups like Canada Blood Services all but beg people to go on the marrow donor registry. (BTW: If you aren’t, please get on it the next time you donate blood.)

      2. actually biologically he is human, period. so the story said

  2. E.M.P. Forget deactivating the nanites just shut them down permanently. Then keep Lexx in a bubble for a week while his body naturally disposes the nanites. Then give him new ones.

    If they had more time they could introduce him to the most common illnesses on earth (or off) so he could build an immune system, but that would take a few years. 😉

  3. Ouch, I had a feeling that their negotiation position wasn’t so strong.

    1. The need to get Travik’s back.
    2. They need to get the cure for Lexx.
    All they really have is the Mimic body to trade and Lexx in his infected form is possibly compromising for the ADC. After all, who else could have made a tailored virus for his nanites?

    Will the ADC try to make another deal impossible deal with Lexx or possibly will they have to pull a Mission Impossible on the ADC?

  4. ok whose idea was it to replace a prety much perfect natural system with an artificaial one rather then havin said artificial system be a supliments

    1. Well to be pragmatic about it, it seems like an easy way to kill a player that won’t walk their line.

      Though this might be another thing that ADC doesn’t want the general public to know about.

  5. It isn’t aids awareness month is it???

    1. i was thinking the same thing…

  6. Someone asked why everyone wasn’t using using permanent medical nanites – there’s four reasons in three strips – they destroy the natural immune system, which carries certain drawbacks, obviously; malfunctions in the replication, or corruption of programming can have some nasty side effects (Lexx’s were poisoned into that state, but we’ve seen both Dash’s and Energy’s go south); They can be removed or disabled (which, given number one, is very “not good”); and it’s possible to produce a tailored attack to target them (and possibly there are at least a couple of generalist versions, too). Stack in the energy requirements and its at least understandable why some people wouldn’t want them.

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