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Day 24 Part 4 Page 2

“He’s my friend and I like him and-“ “Obviously he loves you.”  Vic interrupted what he felt was about to be a long rambling statement that was likely to be more than Chel really wanted to say.  She went silent, looking up at her father with an almost pleading expression that he would understand without her actually saying what she couldn’t even really put into words for herself.  “He’s said as much In every look and action.” Vic rubbed the blood off his fingers and into his pants, assuming it was Lexx’s and not Chel’s.  “When you sort things out, then we’ll discuss this.  Right now, that boy needs every real friend he has.” Chel nodded slowly, relieved that her father had responded in a calm rational manner and had not done what she feared most.  Either response would have been expected from Vic, depending on what had happened on the ship before they came here.  She was half afraid that Riley had treated Vic like he treated her and given him the wrong idea.  Chel was still afraid to find out exactly what had gone on with her father, Lexx and his friends while they had traveled to rescue her.   Little late due to my internet being cut off yesterday. 9.9  Problem has been fixed, but I feel the need to ask that if you enjoy the comic, please consider tipping or commission me for something fun or buy a book or something.  (It's not required, so don't feel bad if you can't!)  I've discovered that you can tip small amounts under $5 through paypal by choosing person to person and no fees are deducted!  A bunch of dollars add up and with the way I shop, a dollar buys a nice box of cereal, almost half a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, almost a full loaf of bread!  Which goes pretty far. :)  If you can not see the link, please let me know.  And if you hate paypal, there's also serve.  For Both, use

17 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 4 Page 2

  1. Hurray for a Dad that’s not an idiot!

  2. Aw, go dad!

  3. It’s really unfair for dads everywhere to be constantly portrayed as idiots. 😀

    1. That’s heartening to hear. 🙂 I can’t stand that trend in media nowadays. Men have brains too!

      And of course Vic has a good head on his shoulders. They wouldn’t let just anybody run a covert Alien investigation and potential first contact organization!

      It kinda makes me wish that Vic were running the AMIB in The Cyantian Chronicles. 😉

      1. It also probably helped him when he saw the state Lex was in and thought “he did this to himself to save Chel…”

  4. Men can make good parents too

  5. I just thought of the the image we were privy to earlier in the comic. 🙂 Vic’s come a long way from strangle-the-life-out-of-this-guy-with-my-little-girl mode. ^_^

  6. Daughters are always little girls to their daddies. 🙂

  7. Clearly Vic understands that sometimes existing priorities need to be dumped in the “It can wait ’till later” bin and spend time comforting a sick/injured friend instead.

  8. I may need to give Vic a second chance…

  9. *fistpump* Heck yeah for Vic, he does have his priorities straight. now, we need to see some major hammering-out of plans with him, Damien and Riley. I wonder if he’s going to get a Relay, that would be Really Useful I would think

  10. So, Tiff,

    Is this just a decoy to get us to stop looking at his hands? Just because he puts his hand in a direction where we can’t see the blood, doesn’t mean that we have forgotten about it being in the last two strips…

    Looking forward to seeing that explained / played out.

    Unless of course it was just from him helping carry Lexx onto the ship… *wink wink*

    1. Edit… I mean her helping carry Lexx…

      1. Vic didn’t help and no, it just ended up that way. 🙂 Usually when you get something on your fingers you don’t like, you try to wipe it off asap or at least make it less obvious it’s there by rubbing your fingers into your palm.

  11. I now love Vic, for everything that’s worth anyway…

  12. The song “You’re My Best Friend” by Queen reminds me of their relationship in do many ways…..

    1. *so many ways.

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