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Day 24 Part 4 Page 7

“You didn’t kill anyone, Chel.”  Riley stated quickly, rushing to stop Chel’s tears.  Her father and his own were both glaring at him in silent anger. “What are you talking about?!”  Chel trembled.  “It happened!” “No.  It did not,”  stated Riley calmly. Someone better explain this all to me later.  Vic glanced at his upset daughter, wondering why he had been left out of the loop as well. “I spoke to Trasik before all of this occurred and informed her that if she did not stop this foolishness –I- would disown her.”  Kade suddenly spoke up, seeing that his son was not handling things quickly enough.  “She laughed at me, until her mother told her the same.  Trasik was supposed to resign from the game and meet her future husband today.  She did not show up.” Kade’s explanation was met with complete silence.  Vic formulated thoughts on exactly what had occurred, while Chel stared blankly at Kade.  Riley’s jaw was open and his mouth moved, but no words were coming out.

23 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 4 Page 7

  1. Wow, disown their only daughter. Isn’t Littan society matriarchal? That is a major decision. Who’ll take over as head of the family? Maybe if Lexx marries Chel (with Vic’s permission) Chel can become the head? *off topic* Nooooooo! Fly ate all the cookies! So cute!

    1. It is Matriarchal – That’s why she took her mom’s threat more seriously than her dad’s.

  2. I forgot if they are Matriarchal or Patriarchal, but the fact that BOTH parents intervened means they must have been monitoring the situation in some form beyond what we were shown by Tiff.

    This is an interesting twist.

    1. Riley is last in line for the inheritance, and Lexx was born on the same day at the same time as Riley. So there’s a lot of family to go through before Lexx and Chel would be considered.

      Still, this likely invalidates the challenge, as Trasik was not there to accept it personally.

      Also, on the “Fly ate all the cookies donation button”…

      “Must. Get. Last. Crumbs!”

  3. some one definetly got to trasik

  4. Oh, goodie. Eldest daughter gets married, inherits everything after Mummy and Daddy bite it, and the unfortunate siblings (Riley’s adopted sibling Lexx included) are left with whatever scraps that evil harpy deigns to toss their way. Fabulous.
    And what’s with Riley? He’s really starting to piss me off with how non-forthcoming he is with pertinent information.

    1. he’s always been that way his first thoghts go to lex kind of and then the second to he family chel only get some thoght procces becaus she’s conected with lexx

  5. I can’t quite believe I caught up again, I was so behind when I started reading today that I hadn’t even seen the start of this chapter.
    gotta say, this has not been a good day for anyone.

  6. Littan’s are Matriarchal in family matters. 😉 But family holdings are FAMILY residences and are always shared. Most of it’s just that the females are viciously family oriented to a point that they tend to handle things related to the family. Who gets to control what, is typically up to the eldest female – and they tend to get less violent as they get older. 😉
    The Lanier family business is shipbuilding, which Kade is in charge of and what keeps him busy. His wife stands in for him in the business when he is away and handles a lot of the details. They pretty much share in their control of the business, but the household is for the mother to control – and she has been reluctant to really put her foot down. She was kind of waiting for Trasik to redirect her aggressions onto someone more appropriate than Lexx. 😉

  7. Hmm… Then where is she? And when will she next darken Lexx’s doorstep?

  8. Matriarchal but with arranged marriages. I wonder if hubby-to-be feels like a side of beef.

    One wonders if Riley is a side of beef himself–a bargaining cheep between the Great Houses the way princesses were in the bad old days of royalty in Europe and elsewhere.

    1. cheep = chip. doh! 🙂

      1. *Laugh* Basically, they reach a certain age and then parents intervene, unless they state they aren’t interested in marriage. 😉 Littan females have a very limited number of childbearing years due to multiple births – this generation was actually big even by their standards… they were hoping for some more girly girls 😉

        1. Oh, and they aren’t bargaining chips – they typically know each other, get along and don’t want to be bothered with a ‘dating’ process. 😉

  9. Seems to me that Trasik may well be disowned anyway.
    *Prepares his happy dance materials. practices his happy dance moves.*
    Happy dances are serious business! I gotta be ready WHEN I find it appropriate to do one.

    1. You are the male PinkyPie aren’t you. 😛

  10. It seems to me that Kade is telling us that the kidnapping and attempted assassination were carried out not by Trasik, but by a double controlled by ADC.

  11. Future husband for Trasik? Which poor sucker ended up with that? I can only assume he’s never met her in-person before…

  12. I feel bad for the poor dude who got doped into agreeing to marry Trasik. She’ll probably eat his heart for breakfast on the honeymoon.

  13. O_O

    1. Sweet avatar! That too is a great comic!

    2. mystery gal…are you one of the authors of Strays?

      1. Oh, no I’m not. I just love Feral, he’s so so cool! I also follow a lot of web comics, of course don’t get me wrong I love this comic too!
        This comic (Alien Dice) is actually one of the ones that got me really interested in web comics, I always love a good story!! I saw an ad for it when I was looking for web comics that I could get into, I love Alien Dice!

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