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Day 25 Part 1 Page 4

And here I just want to throw him away.  Zaile was troubled by the entire conversation as they went on, too absorbed in what they were discussing to notice as Zaile stood up and walked out to the walkway that bordered the nooks.  Why does everyone have so much devotion to Lexx?  He’s worthless… but they love him and that silly human feels… sorry for him?  I have so much.  He has nothing, but friends who care about him.  The thought bothered Zaile more than he had ever admitted.  It HAD always bothered him.  It just didn’t seem right from his view of things.  Everything was handed to him and thus, he should get everything, but Lexx had nothing and he had to fight for everything, but the love and loyalty of his friends.  It just did work in Zaile’s logic. How much do I havewhen I pay for ‘love’ and expect my fortune to keep those I care about close to me. Zaile walked a little further away, then leaned over the railing to stare at the garden below.  It didn’t work with Maelinn.

10 thoughts on “Day 25 Part 1 Page 4

  1. Vic’s perspective talk even has an effect on Zaile.

    But to be fair to Zaile, he’s been trying to figure out this puzzle for some time. He’s always had this problem of not liking Lexx and trying to put reason to it.

    Zaile might never fully understand his feelings for his brother. But at least he’s still thinking on it.

  2. Heh. Zaile just got hit by the harsh brick of reality. The lesson he needs to learn now is that money can only buy peace of mind and security. It can’t buy friendship or love.

    You have to EARN friendship and love, not buy it.

    1. That’s very true hariman. And more than just earning love and friendship, it also helps to be able to give them in order to receive them. Although at first glance it might seem Lexx doesn’t do this well himself, I think he would do anything he could to help his friends if they needed it, and certainly they know this. Zaile on the other hand… until now money has been his answer to everything. Hopefully that will change.

      1. Though I wouldn’t say Zaile is completely uncaring. More or less a little more immature when it comes to friendship.

        He did save Maelinn after all. Though he couldn’t understand that money couldn’t keep her.

  3. True love and friendship are the most valuable things a person can get. The irony lies in the fact that they are free. Cynical people can’t see this because they’re too busy looking for a catch. 😉

    1. define free

      1. Zaile’s money is no good. He has piles of it, just laying around, collecting dust. He might as well be on a desert island made of money for all of the good it’s doing him in the areas he wants it to work. Money just doesn’t work well in those areas.

        1. Being rich may be nice, but it definitely doesn’t do much for having real friends. I’m sure you can have real friends and be rich, but it doesn’t seem as likely they are true friends. :/ Look at any random news article on Yahoo! I’d rather have good friends than be rich. Although, I’d also like to have enough money to be comfortable and comfortable is not worrying about tomorrow to me. 😀

  4. Money cannot buy you happiness, but it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.

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