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Day 25 Part 1 Page 7

“Don’t worry.” Riley leaned next to Chel as they walked through the familiar halls that led to the medical bay that Lexx would be waiting for them in. “We are doing everything we can. Just be there for Lexx.” He stopped walking and Chel realized they were there. Behind her, she could hear Sirius and Serenity’s nails clicking on the smooth floor. They walked to the sides of the room to be out of the way and sat down to watch and wait. Vic and Kade hung back further, discussing something that Chel couldn’t hear. Chel stepped forward, repeating what Riley had told her. Be there for Lexx. It was such a simple thing, but carried a weight that Chel wasn’t sure she could handle. She walked forward, having no other way to go and saw Lexx laying asleep in the same bed, or one identical to it since the sheets and pillow were not stained with blood like they had been earlier. The bandages wrapped around what parts of his body she could see were also clean and free of blood. His face was no longer bruised and bloody, but an even, somewhat paler blue than normal. Lexx appeared to be sleeping peacefully.
Since I saw this pop up in the comments: You can be in critical and stable condition at the same time. It simply means the condition is not getting worse. My daughter was in that condition for a long time when she had her last heart surgery and it was always confusing terminology. Even worse when they brought in some patients who had been in a car accident to the same ICU. They were critical, hooked up to breathing machines and everything, but stable. - Tiff
Yay, text is current! I haven't done the rest of the week's text, but I'll get to it. I'm concentrating on getting a week ahead so I can update through Christmas and take a vacation with my family where I'm actually NOT working. AND for those who asked: My Holiday Wishlist Little site uplift. I'm going to have to make some adjustments to the comic in the future so I have time to do it and more commissions. Text should be updated as soon as I can get some time set aside. Right now I'm a bit more concerned with finding today's dinner. I'm almost to the point of wondering if those fat red squirrels outside will be a suitable meat source. :D - Tiff Later update: And now that the text is completed at 10:15 PM, going to go play some Devil Survivor and then go to bed to finish work tomorrow!

7 thoughts on “Day 25 Part 1 Page 7

  1. I hear squirrels are rather good. They can’t carry or contract rabies either, so no worries their. All you need is a pile of nuts, a box, and a stick on a string. Have at them! 😀

    1. Wow! Learn something new everyday!

      1. Actually, that is incorrect. All rodents (including squirrels) can carry and transmit rabies. It just isn’t very likely to happen. It is POSSUMS that don’t carry rabies, their body temperature is too low to support the virus.

  2. They should be good in a stew, at least. Do you have onions and potatoes?

    1. I have one onion. Potatoes nope. 🙂 I do have zucchini!

  3. Poor Chel. I love the new look for the site too, by the way.

  4. Sorry, but that statement about squirrels not getting or carrying rabies isn’t true. ANY warm-blooded animal can get and carry rabies.

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