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Day 25 Part 1 Page 7

Are you there? Chel spoke across the relay, probing gently. The reply came in a rush of darkness and a lightheaded sensation. Golden orange stars swirled around Chel in dizzying movement before slowing in floating firefly like blips of light. Yes and no. Lexx’s voice came from everywhere and a growing warmth surrounded Chel. Stay awhile. Let’s be one. Chel’s arm tingled as it was raised within a firm warm grip. She could feel Lexx standing behind her now, at least across the relay. I’m here, but this is a dream… and you’re in my head. I don’t mind.
Don't worry - it is Lexx-Lexx and not bad code Lexx. :) Text will be completely caught up on Sunday evening and I am doing two weeks of updates so I can have a buffer for Christmas week and be able to take a family vacation. Kim's bigger and she likes having me do things with her. :D So my Christmas gift to y'all is uninterrupted updates this December. Hoping to be able to do some fun stuff like go to watch a couple of kid movies like Hugo, We Bought a Zoo and Chipmunks (which is actually MY pick. :D) Maybe some not so kid movies for me and my hubby like Sherlock Holmes, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (yes, I've seen the original movies in their native language and read subtitles.) :D MAYBE Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. I haven't forgiven them for that awful second movie to the point that I haven't even seen the third. *Goes down the movie list for December.* Maybe War Horse. Why yes, I am skipping the adventures of Tintin. I really don't like the style of animation and nothing about it makes me want to watch it, plus I'm not old enough to be familiar with the characters. It's going to be a hit, but I don't care about seeing movies just because everyone goes to them. I want to see what I want to see. :D Luckily movie tickets are still $5 for matinees and $2 if we look around. Don't forget the donation incentive for this month! Details here! They buy our groceries, which we severely need. I'm streaming tonight (12/10) for a few hours, starting around 7pm cst. Drop in and say hi! OH! And the wishlist for those who ask. :) Wish List - which includes things that cost nothing. Hopefully this site facelift works a bit better than the last one! - Tiff

9 thoughts on “Day 25 Part 1 Page 7

  1. I am more scared. Is that Lexx or is that the other in Lexx?

    Lets be one could also be bad.

    1. I wondered the same thing.

    2. …Especially because when Lexx went into Chel’s dream once Riley was pissed because the intruder can’t get out until the dreamer is done with them. If I recall correctly.

      Will Chel get stuck? That would be particularly bad if it’s the “other” Lexx.

  2. well, at the risk of being crass, 70-90% of intimacy is all in our heads anyways, so why not?

  3. Hmmm… there is that reddish tinge to the letters… it IS Lexx, but I am under the impression that the imp has gained some level of control.

  4. Darn you Lexx! Dream up some longer hair! It looks less cool when it’s short. 🙁

    1. I have to disagree. I like it better short!

      1. Agreed. I like it better short.

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