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Day 25 Part 1 Page 9

“I’m not going to know how to do anything the right way.” The words spilled out of Lexx’s mouth without any ability to stop them. “I’m going to mess up. I’m going to make you angry. You’re going to hate me. How am I going to make you happy if I don’t even know what makes any woman happy outside of sexual gratification.” Lexx rambled on aimlessly as though he wasn’t even speaking to Chel, but admitting these deep worries to himself. “Whoa! Whoa, Lexx! Calm down.” Chel shouted to break Lexx’s stream of thought. “First of all, I don’t intend on any sex before I’m married and I don’t really want to hear about it either.” She began by trying to remove one of Lexx’s concerns immediately before moving on to the others. It did flatter her a little that he was thinking beyond the physical, but it was also a little disturbing to hear the admittance.

14 thoughts on “Day 25 Part 1 Page 9

  1. It appears that Lexx’s subconscious has absolutely zero ability to censor himself.

    1. Speaking from experience, people can ramble will really nervous about something. When rambling, ones censors don’t always engage when they should.

      1. As someone who doesn’t bother generally bother with self censorship, I often just ramble incoherently when caught off guard. It’s often rather entertaining, since it can devolve into a crazy rant, usually about professional hockey, and why it would be improved with shotguns built into the sticks, and that the lack of shotguns is a freaking conspiracy, and it all goes downhill from there into nonsense and deranged connections. This continues until I get distracted by a shiny thing or something yummy to eat.

  2. Lexx is going to have to woo Chel via romance.

    And that bit of dialog from Lexx raises some questions about the ADC that the authorities should have already asked.

  3. Poor Lexx. I’m sure he’ll do fine wooing her; he’ll just be awkwardly sweet.

  4. chell is a traditional girl and Lexx mad the mistake of mentioning sex to a traditional girl

    1. Traditional girls are the best girls.

      And they’re adorable when they blush.

  5. I like the fact that their entire relationship isn’t based on sex. It make them so much more real and relatable for me. I side with Chel on this one…. and wow did he REALLY say that? I can’t decide if I should laugh or make this face -> O.o <- all day. XD Poor Lex has no confidence, if he didn't worry so much he'd realize he has more than he thinks. 🙂

  6. Yeah, he has no experience, he has a temper, and he gets frustrated easily when it comes to relating to people. But he’s willing to try, and after a little while, he can admit his mistakes. Also, Chel is patient (for waiting for him to admit his mistakes), mature (for working with him in places he has no experience), and doesn’t have a lot of issues that would exacerbate his problems (she isn’t really one of those girls who has high tension around her because she doesn’t understand herself what’s going on in her head). So when in comes to this relationship, I don’t think Lex has quite as much to worry about on that front as he thinks he does.

  7. And, let’s not forget that Lexx was brought up in a world were mating to make more slaves/gamers was about as romantic as it got, so he really has no idea how to court.

  8. But Lexx does know how to make Chel happy! He’s been doing it the whole time the two of them were together(after the awkward part where Chel invited herself onto his spaceship) before this whole Chel gets kidnapped thing. He was taking her places because he thought she would enjoy them, he was showing her things that were extraordinary to her. He knows, he is just being a paranoid rambler.

  9. I cannot believe he said that. Chel just got many many coolness points in my book, I probably would have kicked him regardless of the situation.

  10. Lol! I love this strip!

  11. I hope they get married quick… ;D

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