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Day 26 Part 1 Page 9

“I will tell you the same that I told Damian and Claudia,” Kade turned and paced in the opposite direction, looking at Riley as he spoke, “Your meddling comes to a stop now. The Gauntlet was always Lexx’s escape route.” Riley looked like he wanted to say something, but he stopped. His time of planning was clearly over. “We are going to see Lexx out of the game and what happens, will happen. But when Lexx wins, everyone goes home and our family servers all ties to this ‘game’.” Kade spat the word out in disgust. The Swiftpaw Kickstarter has reached goal! Now, if you want to make arrangements to participate with paypal, serve, check or money order, you can let me know. Just pay the amount on the tier you want and NOTE what you want. I'm confident that the jumbo print tier will also be reached soon, since it has six days left. If you want one, it is best to get one NOW, because there may not be many left after it's all done. There will only be 25 of each charm produced at this time and there are 16 backers. Use the paypal widget on the left or my email address: Thank you to those who are participating - all profits will be added to the monthly goal. The previous charms are available here! Sadly, there are NOT any of the Stealth Pumpkin charms left and very few of the It's Not Fair ones.

10 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 1 Page 9

  1. Harsh, but necessary. Riley’s been meddling without thinking consequences through, and that nearly cost Lexx his life.

    I’m glad Kade wants to get out of the “game” of Alien Dice, where sentient animals are toys for legalized dogfights and people are used for the same.

    1. Considering what we’ve heard of the Gauntlet, it makes sense.

      Though the dangers of losing the Gauntlet would be daunting, the ability to prevent them from further meddling in Lexx’s last set is a definite boon.

      It’s interesting to think about how every person sees the Gauntlet. No one person seems to have a matching view of the game as the other. The Gauntlet really is that double edged sword.

  2. Ah, but that means Riley has to go back to being the family accountant. >P

  3. Riley’s dad looks like he’s bored and trying to chew something at the same time.

  4. Mmmh seems like old daddy wants it to end to.
    ow and uhm I’ve noticed you forgot Maelinn’s stripes on her faces.
    Just saying (a)

    1. ‘Faces’? Are you saying that she is two faced? That’s not very nice. 🙂

    2. Maybe the stripes are just advanced makeup (like Hindu beauty spot), and she has stopped wearing it to match Riley.

  5. I thought they were face markings. Like Lexx has. That’s what it said in the past anyway.

  6. Kane is cool… It’s as if the only reason they were even ASSOCIATED with that ‘game’ was for Lexx and family from the beginning.
    Though if Kane is ANYTHING like Riley, he’s got plans on how to destroy the ADC at the SAME time.

    1. You mean KaDe?

      KaNe (lexx’s sister) is the one who tipped the ADC off to Lexx’s genetic profile in the first place D:

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