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Day 26 Part 2 Page 13

Meanwhile, Chel paced back and forth in the living area. “What are they talking about?!” She said every few steps. It was really wearing on her that she could easily talk to Lexx and find out what was going on, but she didn’t want to spy on them or disturb Lexx. “You could always ask Lexx over the relay.” Zaile suddenly spoke up after hearing the question once again. “Relay?” Keith’s attention was caught and he was quick enough to catch on to what they were talking about without anything else being said. “Zaile!!” Chel was in Zaile’s face, shrieking in a most unbecoming tone to Zaile’s ears. “Oh.” Zaile winced, hanging his head slightly at his mistake.

25 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 2 Page 13

  1. Way to go, blabbermouth!

    1. Well, to be fair, for them it IS common knowledge. You don’t think twice before looking at your wristwatch if you want to know the time either, do you? (Sucks though if you’re on a planet/in an era, where the wristwatch hasn’t been invented yet)

      1. wristwatch? I remember those, I stopped wearing the years ago

        1. Really? They look so cool! I just got one and my arms have never looked better. 😀

        2. Wristwatch? That is soooooo last millenium!

      2. [After seeinf someone use a cell phone in the middle ages] Witch! Witch! I know she’s a witch! I heard her talking to demons in that little box!

        (OK, so there were no cell towers back then. You get the gist. Maybe it was a walkie-talkie.)

  2. Considering they all got to make reports, that isn’t something you just want to be swinging out there with one inquisitive MIB in the room.

    Tech in Chel’s head could be of big interests to other groups in governments on earth. Chel’s head on a silver platter actually might be a very descriptive scenario if that got out from the people on this ship.

    1. Considering the fact that the relays apper to work over really long distances, the FTL communication technology in her head is of extreme interest.

  3. Now the question is… Did she yell at him over the Relay? Considering the same clothes and colored background it doesn’t seem like it. Come to think of it: could she yell at him over the relay?

  4. Hey, Zaile, you know that thing you do when you open your mouth and words come out? Yeah, stop it.

    1. LOL he’s so grounded now. XD

    2. lol, Idk if my previous comment failed or something because I can’t see it, but yeah, I wonder how that’s going to end. I’m guessing not very well.

  5. Bwa hahah!

  6. And the cat is out of the bag.

    1. Yes, I do believe that the feline has been released from the flexible container….

  7. Now they have to give him one so they can shut him up?

  8. The ONLY fortunate thing is that it wasn’t her dad there……
    Now, what to do about Red there?…. >.>

  9. Busted.

  10. Whoopsie.

  11. Aye-non-eee-mouse

    I actually get the feeling Zaile isn’t actually sorry about letting it slip, and may even have done so intentionally… something about his expression in the last panel.

    1. I do think it is a ‘whoops’ moment though, with him looking back ‘towards’ her dad.

  12. now the game people know aswell

    1. I don’t think the “game people” are watching them because lexx is not physically there, and that’s not her dad because her dad is with lexx. As far as I know anyways.

  13. Maybe he could try to apologize by getting her a nice something from a store with his name-sake?

    As for Mr. Curious in the room with them, just say: “The Relay? That’s umm… what we call handing a message to a servant to take to the ahh, person, you wanted to talk to. Oh, hey, would you look at the time!” (Glances at his wristwatch)

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