20 526

Day 26 Part 2 Page 8

“You don’t care about me!” Lexx whirled around to face Zaile, his short wings fluttering in a subconscious attempt to be intimidating that had about as much of a visual affect as an angry hummingbird. “You just want to use me to get what you want!” Then he turned on Keith, sputtering, “And you,… you … I don’t know you!”

20 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 2 Page 8

  1. Now, while Lexx may have a point, I’m not entirely sure if that really is all there is to it. I understand, that he had bad experiences in the past, but if he can change to like Chel…then why can’t his brother change to like…or at least accept…Lexx too? Regarding our little red-haired boy…well, I think he should suffice to keep Claudia busy and thereby off Lexx’ back.

    Yeah, I know, always the optimist 😛

    1. Hehe …. Lexx is hard headed.

    2. Dude, Zalie punched him in the face, and has repeatedly been an ass to him for little to no reason. Family or not, that takes some forgiving…

  2. Angry-Lexx comes off less intimidating without his gargoyle wings 😀

  3. It looks like he is getting a little paranoid here.
    The classic signs are thinking that you are being watched all the time and that some all-powerful shadowy force is plotting your destruction.

    Oh, wait. Never mind. Carry on.

  4. “I don’t know you!”

    Seems like a line when someones the odd one out when when someone is yelling at a group of people they’re in.

    Though in truth, Lexx really hasn’t known him long enough to know if he can trust what he says. Though Lexx does know Claudia. That has got to make things awkward for Lexx.

  5. This could be a prime opportunity for an argument to escalate into some unintended words being said. If Lexx and his bother start getting into it over personal grudges it could end up with:

    Zaile: You have your own ship and women throwing themselves at you.
    Lexx: You have your freedom. At least the family didn’t send YOU away.
    Zaile: But mom always liked you best. If you don’t believe me, ask her yourself!
    Lexx: (stunned silence). She’s ALIVE?!

  6. Soooooooooooooo, my Swiftpaw plushy hasn’t arived yet. 🙁 Is there a more specific date for when it will arive?

    1. The Kickstarter failed and nobody was charged for it?

      1. So, no Swiftpaw plushy then? 🙁 And I get a refund? 🙁

        1. Yes. Did you use this email? The one you use when posting. (This is why I told people to go through Kickstarter and not directly to me. :P)

        2. You’re going to need to email me with information. I’ve checked under your used email and there aren’t any transactions.

        3. It’s ok. Part of the reason I payed for the plushy was to support the comic I’m just sad that I (and the others who wanted one) don’t get a Swiftpaw like we were promised. 🙁

  7. It was only promised if the Kickstarter was a success. That was outlined very clearly. I DID NOT MAKE ANY MONEY ON A FAILED KICKSTARTER. That’s why I had people use it, so I would not have this very issue.

    1. Please send me your payment information so I can refund it and you can stop accusing me of fraud.

      1. Easy, I’m not accusing you of fraud I’m just saying that the way I read the plushy kick-starter terms (which have disappeared from the archives so I can’t check to see if I’m wrong) we would get a plushy even if the kick-starter failed so long as we pledged $20.

        Again, if this is not the case, I’m sorry for the trouble and would still like you to keep my money as support for a great comic.

        1. It’s all here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1476950305/swiftpaw-plush-toy-sugar-with-wings And your wording was accusing me. I never promised to send anything for pledging – I don’t have any money and one toy cost $500 if I were only getting one and I wouldn’t be giving it away. 😀 That’s why nobody was SUPPOSED to give any money and just pledge to the drive.

        2. After reviewing the page, I can’t find a statement denying a plushy. 🙁 In fact the wording is highly suggestive to the contrary. Especially the pledge promises themselves. Unless I’m missing something, with the information I have now I can see why people would expect a plushy. Again, this is not meant to be an accusation or challenge, just my observations and the information I’m gaining from them. I do NOT expect a plushy now that I know you didn’t make any money off of this.

  8. Would be cool if his wings covered the entire panel (10M in diameter) XD

  9. I know this page is an aggravated explosion of rage and frustration, but reading “his short wings fluttering in a subconscious attempt to be intimidating that had about as much of a visual effect as an angry hummingbird” made me laugh so hard

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