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Day 26 Part 3 Pg 11

“Manual?”  Keith started walking quickly down a ramp that went down into a thickly wooded forest.  “This all seems pretty straight forward.” Zaile ran after him, amazed that this human was making him keep up with him.  Where was the consideration for his comfort that just about anyone else should have?  “There are rules and safety protocols.” Keith ran through a flock of red birds, sending the scattering in an explosion of wings into the air.  He glanced up at them and had a passing though of how amazing it would be if they turned into dragons, then he looked back down the path as something else caught his eye.  Zaile ignored the birds, following after Keith as quickly as he could. The red birds rose into the air and one of them wheeled apart from the others, losing feathers as it stretched its wings.  The feathers molted like tiny crimson flames, revealing thick leathery hide.  The wings beat and the entire body of the bird began to grow.  A golden fringe rippled up from the lengthening neck and the head went through a dramatic change of widening and sprouting horns.  More feather-like extensions spread out from behind the head in a fiery mane. “Follow the checklist precisely or you’ll have people invading your thoughts when you join the greater network.”  Zaile cautioned seriously. “There are also dangers in your own mind.”  Keith kept walking, admiring his handwork. -------------------------------------------------------------- Please VOTE!  I don't get many opportunities for good things and this one is worth MORE than you can imagine. You can check the rank by closing the vote window and clicking Most Loved Wishes.  I'm on page 6, about to fall to page 7. The Indiegogo campaign failed and I'll be prepping a Kickstarter soon for a clear acrylic Duck and flip coin.  It won't run until mid May.  All pledged funds were returned automatically, so I'm back where I started. - Tiff

14 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 3 Pg 11

  1. – “And by people, I mean Claudia.”

    – “Yeah, yeah, I know how to deal with her. I’ll just create some fashion boutiques. And there, a hair salon! And a beauty spa. Problem solved. Say, what’s that big shadow?”

    – “D-d-DRAGON! RUN!!”

  2. Manual? Pfft! I don’t need no stinking…

    Called it.
    I think Zaile might be about to start regretting his decision soon.

  3. Maybe next time, before he gives anyone else this kind of tech, Zaile will actually consult with someone who actually KNOWS that person. Hahahaha

  4. Nothing like a little incentive of the dragon raid kind to get you to read the instructions. 😉

  5. I sense an object lesson coming along

  6. Huh. I just realized relay Zaile looks ALOT like Lexx. I know their brothers but damn they look alike.

  7. About the vote banner, when it says you can only vote once a day, couldn’t you go to another computer and vote again? certainly if you had another external ip right? and then it would “think” that another person voted and thus count the vote.

    1. I like how your mind works. >:}

  8. Rayar: You probably don’t really need to bother with moving to another computer if you know what you’re doing. These things are usually easy to cheat and pushing a vote to the top by giving it several times the number of votes of the runner up is fairly straightforward. Now doing this in a way that an intelligent person won’t spot when reviewing logs is another matter.

    1. I’d rather not get disqualified. 🙂 Everyone just needs to vote!

      1. Yeah, now to think about it, it probably would be better to just ask others to vote and maybe even get more people interested in the comic in the process. actually now last nights idea of mine seems a bit silly and unnecessary. I think i’d remove it if I could.

  9. Sorry the Indigogo campaign failed. The dice did sound cool though.

  10. Ah, so they’re not part of the network yet. Now the “has to be in the same room” thing makes more sense; I’m guessing that the room they are currently in is shielded (a reasonable precaution if you are doing relay surgery) so they have to be outside before they can join the network. Chel’s room is probably also shielded, though that’s likely more for the privacy aspect.

  11. Remember kids: before connecting your relay to the network, make sure your antivirus definitions are up to date and your firewall is working!

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