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Day 26 Part 3 Pg 15

The dragon’s jaws didn’t snap again.  Instead it lifted up and turned slightly.  Zaile realized that it couldn’t see them while its long snout was in the way.  He pushed Keith, sending him staggering in front of him for a few steps, then Keith got the point and began running with Zaile close behind. “Why isn’t it listening?!”  Keith screeched in a very high, almost feminine tone. The dragon swung its head to watch them, seeming amused that they were trying to get away when it could easily step on them or snatch them in its jaws.  This was more fun, although it had thought it was only going to get one of them.  Now it still had two little tasty morsels of fast food to play with before making a snack out of them. ----- Don't forget to VOTE for Shivae Studios to receive a business grant!  Vote daily!  You can check the rank by closing the vote window and clicking Most Loved.  Check by the number of votes.

14 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 3 Pg 15

  1. love the dragons details XD!

  2. It’s got nostrils, though. Most animals use smell to judge final approach on small pieces of food…

    Keith: Oh no… *pfweeeeshh-faaaRRRTT* Sorry, that always happens at times like this.

    Zaile: What- oh, that is horrible! You should stick to synthetic food, like we do!

    Dragon: SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEachhh! *retch* (flies off heaving and clawing at nose)

  3. Monsters, John…Monsters…from the Id!

  4. Omg Elfguy, you beat me to it !

  5. Beautiful dragon! I’m thinking Zaile should be in no danger since he knows how to use a relay and could easily just leave, but I guess Keith probably doesn’t know how to exit yet. What happens to you if a construct from your own mind eats you in relay space?

  6. “I am your creator! You must obey me!”

    1. But dragons don’t really listen to anyone, unless there’s some benefit for them, which Keith would likely know himself since he’s so into mythical/legendary monsters and cryptids, so of course the dragon he created wouldn’t listen to him and try to eat him!

      1. I love you for that comment.

  7. To paraphrase Tiffany over at “Exiern” “It’s a magical, flying, armor-plated, fire-breathing, hyper-intelligent Killing Machine… YOU tell it to listen to you!” 😀

  8. rule one of dragons? all of the above, unless you can blackmail them

    ie. know their true name and know how to use it

    1. their true name, … where is that from? sounds very familiar

      1. True names have always been a source of power, of anything that can be named, ever since we started coming up with names in the first place.
        You’ve undoubtedly encountered it in any number of fantasy works.

  9. Keith, Keith, Keith… NEVER deal with a dragon.

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