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Day 26 Part 3 Pg 2

6 hours later. 4 hours to earth. Chel slept restlessly. The room felt warmer than she remembered and a gnawing ache was growing in her stomach. She mumbled something, trying to get comfortable, but l just too warm. Chel sighed and gave up, opening her eyes and staring up at the dark ceiling. She could get up, get a snack and see about lowering the temperature in her room. Chel tried to push herself up, but found the pull of the comfortable bed overwhelming. That’s what she thought at first, then she realized, she really was being weighted down by something heavy and stringy. Chel squirmed and frantically pushed at the sheet that had been on top of her and found her fingers digging through hair. She panicked and finally found herself upright, surrounded by mounds of her own hair. Chel signed again. Of course. She should have known better. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments. :DΒ  Thank you.Β  I needed a smile today. :) - Tiff

27 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 3 Pg 2

  1. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! HAAAAHA! My GOSH, I can only imagine what growing that much ANYTHING that fast would do to your nutrients. πŸ˜› Do we get to do a Rapunzel spoof? πŸ˜€

  2. Well that doesn’t look too bad.

    At least she can’t be mistaking for one of Lexx’s dice, right?

  3. Well that turned out better than I was imagining. That can at least be cut to the length wanted.. just do the first cut yourself, and get a human barber to trim it, they won’t know anything happened.

  4. – “No, the stylist wants to do a full hair train – just have a look at this artist impression she did – we braid it up with lots of antigrav accessories and ornaments, and it floats behind you. Very stylish, ever so glamourous – you’ll look like a princess.”

    – “I don’t think…”

    – “Oh, go on!”

    – “Please.”

    – “It would look so good.”

    – “You could really carry it off!”

    – *sigh* <3

    – "How did you lot all get in here?! Back off, fanboys and fangirls. *grabs* I’ve got clippers here, and I’m not afraid to use them!!”

  5. She must be starving after growing all that! At least she doesn’t need blankets anymore – she has a permanent one.

  6. I’m sure she’s in a lather over the results. There sure will be Hell toupee. She probably wants to curl up and dye after this hairbrained idea. With only 4 hours to go it will sure be a close shave to get this mess untangled.

    Well those are the mane ones I could think of. Maybe I can come up with some more if I take time to mullet over.

    1. You. Are. Awesome. My hero of puns and winner of the Internet. <3 these were pure gold.

      1. (And yes this is me, I used the wrong email address and was on my mobile, not computer)

    2. You, sir, trimmed a bit closer than I like to what I intended to post. I’ll a-braid you about it later.

      1. Hey, no cutting remarks on this page.

        1. We must comb through this mess. Sure is one hairy situation.
          (Everyone keeps beating me to the good puns. XD)

        2. The length of this string of posts is hair raising. Thankfully I can brush off terrible puns. Seriously, we must cut this conversation short or I fear we shall all dye from an overgrowth of punning.

    3. The root of the problem is the shear volume. At least she has enough now so they can follicle around with it. As long as she doesn’t get teased about it and no one acts like a bouffant then nobody will get injured.

      On the non-punny side, you said so much with no dialog.

    4. Are you one of those people who does the giant cat pun streams on Prequel? Like really

  7. … oops …

  8. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel …” πŸ˜€

  9. Oh wow. We all knew *something* was going to go wrong, but this is an order of magnitude more than I expected. Love her facial expression.

  10. I feel like she should be standing in a giant clam shell.

  11. “Results may vary on untested races…”

  12. “Overgrowth may occur.” Yeah, no kidding.

  13. In her defense, it’s a whole crapload of absolutely Gorgeous hair.

  14. Wow, nice πŸ™‚

    I hope she will get over the shock soon…

    …and also that the growth has halted by now…

    (…and of course that only the hair on top of her head had this abundant growth – at least she does not show any beard yet though, but what about her legs etc. – it seems her fear ending up like an orang-utan was not for nothing.)

    Chel always can donate the eccess hair to wig-making – for cancer patients or the like πŸ˜€


  15. Rapunzel let down thy hair πŸ˜›

  16. It’s so totally worth it !!! Much better than that short hair )

    1. *laughing* Because you have a phenomenal memory. I couldn’t reference or find an image in a huge comic archive like that. But it’s not related to that in any way. πŸ™‚ I haven’t actually ever read OotS.

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