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Day 26 Part 3 Pg 3

Shortly afterward, Chel and her father were treated to yet another large spread of food.  Vic sighed, sat in a chair and accepted a glass of some sort of pink juice just to be polite, but he avoided the food.  He had been eating it for days, but after what happened to Chel, the alien foods were turning his stomach. Chel, on the other hand, had immediately piled her plate with a little of everything and was gleefully shoveling it into her mouth with both hands, forgoing utensils when appropriate.  She had completely forgotten about not accepting ‘anymore alien offers’.  Her stomach was grinding in a way she could not remember ever feeling and the food seemed to taste even more delicious than she remembered.

8 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 3 Pg 3

  1. Whoever said that the extremely accelerated hair growth would leave Chel with an extreme appetite called it in one!


    1. it’s ironic that you have a grrl power icon. That’s how I found this comic!

      1. Yay Sydney! I love it! She’s my favorite vertically challenged pottymouth.

  3. 1. Hair managed.
    2. Food acquired.
    3. HAPPY!

    (Chel doesn’t need any more undetermined steps at this point.)

    1. i wana like this comment so badly XD

  4. Why is it all the alien foods look like plates full of sweets?

    1. Because they’re plates of sweets! Sarah Lee is a universal constant! (Used to be Hostess, til the unions killed it)

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