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Day 26 Part 3 Pg 3

Dad was not amused.   Chel recounted the ordeal of struggling under all that hair and finally having to yell for help.  Neither was I.  Yards and yards of thick hair were far heavier than one might imagine and with it attached to her head, it was even worse.  She made a mental note to start carrying a knife of some kind.  A knife might be handy in just about any situation she had been in recently, even a small one. Vic stared at the piles of hair once Chel was free.  Chel had protested repeatedly that they better not cut it too short once they came in armed with super sharp alien made kitchen knives.  They hacked at everything hanging off the bed first, then worked their way to Chel’s head until she was able to slip out from under her excessive tresses and find her feet again.  They stung, having fallen asleep under all that weight. “Chel, it might be a good idea to avoid anymore alien offers.”  Her father moved a length of hair over her shoulder, out of her face. “Don’t worry, Dad!”  Chel nodded vigorously. “I agree!” ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bah.  Hubby broke a toe on Thursday, then began feeling sick on and off, making for a not so fun birthday for me on Sunday. :(  MWF updates this week and next.  Spring Break this week. Also, the tally is current.  It hasn't moved out of January. - Tiff

16 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 3 Pg 3

  1. Well on the bright side it’s only hair. Can just cut it. But this also means the return of her braid! Maybe … Well anyway the long hair look.

  2. But WE are, so really, that’s what matters. Can you imagine the joy at “locks for love”? Also the confusion. “They sent in HOW many feet of continuous hair?!”

  3. Activate Rapunzel mode.

  4. For some reason I’m reminded of the way my sister calls all the hair her dogs shed her third dog Norbert.

  5. On the bright side, not many people have enough material to craft a cap, wig, or even a sweater out of their own hair.

  6. Hey, excess hair is not that big a deal and they did warn her about the possibility of overgrowth.

    It’s not like when she turned blue by accident.

    Now, if she had ended up bald or if her hair kept growing at this rate that would be a problem . . .

  7. Oh, happy belated birthday 🙂


  8. “Chel, it might be a good idea to avoid anymore alien offers.” Love the deadpan delivery of that line. XD

    I wonder how he’ll react if/when he finds out about the relay?

  9. Now now, just because she needed a haircut with a lawnmower….

  10. on the bright side it looks sooo shiney and smooth

  11. Hmm, I think it would be nice to have a pullover or shirt made of that…


  12. sharp knife at hip level & the hairs sorted.

  13. Did your hubby call a toe truck?

    Happy Birthday!

  14. Chel, donate the hair to Locks of Love. They could make so many wigs out of that.

  15. Not amused? I was! lol 😀

  16. DarknessShallFall

    Let down your hair Chel, so Lexx can climb up it and see your beautiful face and give you kisses.

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