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Day 26 Part 3 Pg 4

“It’s all vitamins and minerals made from scratch.”  Maelinn added cheerfully. Vic glanced at her, perplexed about why that would be a good thing.  He picked up his drink and sloshed it in the glass, “And I thought organic foodies were odd. Everything here tastes like fruit.”  He stared at the glass, watching little bits of something floating in it.  He was beginning to realize it was not fresh alien fruit, but something else.  “I prefer a good steak that was grazing the day before.” Maelinn winced, unsure of how to take that comment.  She didn’t really understand it other than the inference that it was some animal that ate grass and Vic wanted to eat it.  Disgusting.

17 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 3 Pg 4

  1. How about foot? How does that taste?

    1. I’ve had that before. Not nearly as good as one might think at first.

      1. It must have some flavour to it. Why else would people keep putting it in their mouth?

  2. its like that monty python sketch with the talking pig.
    would you still want the steak if it was also talking the day before?

    1. Don’t remember that one (though they did finish of one show with a pair of sketches on cannibalism). Perhaps you were thinking of that scene from The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

      Arthur Dent: Are you saying that I shouldn’t have a green salad?

      Eatin’ beast: Well, sir, I’ve met some vegetables that were very clear on the matter. And so it was decided to cut through the whole tangled mess and breed an animal that really wanted to be eaten, and could speak to prove it… and here I am.

  3. Considering that some of the dice can hold an intelligent conversation and can have ancestors in plants, I can see why synthetic vitamins and minerals would be in demand.
    Still one has a foot in the mouth, the other had food in the mouth.

  4. I can relate.. Ever carnivore needs a good hunk of meat to sink his teeth into.

  5. Ah, well, nothing against vitamins and fruit – but the occasional vegetables and meat is not despised either 🙂

  6. – (thinks) What barbarians these earthlings are! I cannot in all conscience allow her to return to Earth. I must make it my business to keep her here, where she can be among refined people… and her hair can be plaited into that crown, coronet and triple cross arrangement that I’ve been sitting on for years. Yours is the head that will make it reality, Chel. (squees to self)

  7. If I may make a side note to Vic:
    Dude, you are on a ship manned by a species that is the source behind the Earth’s myths of vampires. You should just be glad that you are classified as passenger, not entree.

    1. Vic doesn’t come across as being too genre savvy in this regard. Of course, he is a little better in others (Talking to alien species for first time? Pull a Mass Effect and assume hostility. From a defensive standpoint, not bad.)

      1. Well the Vulcun-err Vampire, I mean Littan/Rishan hybrid was pretty shocked at that litte faux pas that he made. 😉

  8. Hehehehahahahah! *snerk* Hahahahahah! I take it Vic is a meat and potatoes kind of guy?

    Cows: raised as a group to produce meat and other items.

    People raised by the ADC: Children raised in groups to fight and become future slaves when beaten.

    There’s a very shocking similarity in there once you think about it. Only difference is that ADC puts far more additives in their product and are more focused at keeping their product under their thumbs.

    1. Arkansas Department of Correction?

      Oooookay…if they’re bad enough to be put in prison as children, maybe they were pretty bad to begin with…

      1. ADC =/= Arkansas Department of Correction.
        ADC = Alien Dice Council.

        Most of the kids are orphans, put into the program “to get an education and learn a trade.”
        It’s like indentured servitude, only no one has been able to fulfill the ADC’s contract and get out alive and free.

        1. It certainly is set up in the public eye to look that way.

          Of course, we know from Lexx’s flashbacks and from what has been said by others, that the actual happenings and the public face of their company are extremely different.

  9. Vice is such a grumpy so-and-so. :-p

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