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Day 26 Part 3 Pg 9

  Keith’s eyes drifted halfway closed, still seeing the clean room, then, opened in a brighter light.  Keith blinked a few times, his vision focusing on the first thing he saw, birds and water.  There were two birds standing on the lip of a small basin with water spraying down on them.  They were fluttering their wings and puffing up their feathers in the spray.  The water glistened and sparkled and at points seemed to pause as though in a real life movie effect so he could focus on every single drop while the water behind them sprayed at a normal speed.   The water was spraying from a beautifully carved lion perched on top of a stone column.  Vines were winding over part of it and vanished into neatly cut shrubs set into stone planters with a stream cutting through the paved area he was standing on.   Keith turned and looked at his handiwork, rapidly developing all around him.  Tall crystalline buildings and beautiful stone walkways spread out and up amidst more modern buildings.  Forests and mountains spread into view and there were animals everywhere.  Beautiful song birds fluttered through the sky, their golden feathers catching the light in shimmers of red and gold.  Squirrels climbed the trees and a deer could be seen watching them.  There were also people.  Several older looking gardeners were tending to the plants with care nearby.  They paid little attention to Zaile and Keith.   Zaile stared at the world around him in awe.  He knew from experience, not everyone was capable of creating such worlds, even with years of experience.  And for a first relay world?  Most of the time the shapes were vague and even the self image was a little burred.  Even with time, most people only concentrated enough to build simple forests and fields.  They were more focused on other people in their relay than their backgrounds unless it was needed for a game and then, it was still rare to see this kind of detail.   “You’re a little … ambitious.”  Zaile stated in awe.   The human had impressed him far more than he would admit.     Just over a week left on the Indiegogo campaign! Contribute today! I've decided to reduce updates over going to black and white if it fails. Currently it's at 29%! I don't get any of what has been pledged if it fails. If you can't contribute, please vote in the Intuit contest! I'm on page five and would like to be on page 3 at least. :D - Tiff

14 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 3 Pg 9

  1. Only a little ambitious? Lol.

  2. Clearly someone plays a lot of tabletop.

  3. Hold your breath. Make a wish. Count to three.

    Cue “Pure Imagination” song. ^^

  4. Hang on – where’s the chocolate waterfall? >:=)>

  5. Not my first choice of decor but still not a bad mindscape.

    and HA! Zaile is impressed by a “normal” human. Quick someone point that out to him! lol

  6. *grin* I’d be that ambitious, and if I could work I’d very much want a job like Keith’s.

    @Hyratel, I didn’t think DnD when I saw it. Having seen a few English mansions, the only feature I thought was odd was the big glass doors and the honeycomb-pattern wall. You wouldn’t see either of those on a 250 year old English Country House which is open to the public to help pay for its upkeep. 😀 I guess you very well might on a modern private mansion.

    The other thing you wouldn’t see in a British mansion is exotic birds flying free, sadly. It’s a shame but it’s for a good reason. To prevent them escaping to compete with native species (which has happened), they have to either be caged or have their wings clipped. A hundred or more years ago this was different, so it doesn’t take much imagination to fill that in. 🙂

    1. He never said DnD. There are a lot of table top settings out there, and all of them requires the player to imagine the environment. Clearly Keith is a master at this skill.

    2. With alien, mind-linked tech in his head, I’m pretty sure a vacancy will be opening up soon.

  7. … and now i’m reflecting on my second life experience and hoping keith doesn’t become addicted! haha

    1. If I could connect to the internet with my brain, I would make a Second Life account and make money while I do everything else.

    2. As Scott Addams said in Dilbert…when Virtual Reality becomes cheaper than a girlfriend, society is doomed.

      (See http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/1994-10-14/ )

      1. Last I heard, Japan is hitting that point even as we speak.

  8. Keith definitely has an active imagination.

  9. I’m reminded of the lotos-eaters from the Odyssey – or Norman Spinrad’s short ‘No Direction Home’.

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