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Day 26 Part 4 Pg 1

Behind Chel, Serenity, Sirius, and Stealth were sitting patiently with Lexx.  Swiftpaw  was a nervous wreck.  He tiptoed around the other dice, his fur sticking out all over his body, occasionally flipping his ears back and cowering behind one of the larger dice.  Keith was trying to peer through a glass door that led to the gate room. “It will be okay, Chel, I promise nothing bad will happen to any of them.”  Victor placed a reassuring hand on Chel’s shoulder. “Can you make a promise like that, Dad?”  Chel worriedly looked to her father. “I trust my department.”  Vic nodded seriously.  “They are good people.”

9 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 4 Pg 1

  1. I wonder if the AD universe has had the round of US Federal Government scandals that ours has. Must not have for Vic to have such confidence.

    1. I’m sure there are, but not like right now. Their department runs mostly independent of the local governments and has had good leaders, mostly because the people in charge are not after wealth, publicity or power. Their jobs are to remain unassuming and never be recognized outside of their community.

      1. Now they have to go through the red tape to get a green card for a blue alien.

        1. Colorful bit of bureaucracy.

    2. If Vic wasn’t okay with the Government making huge, often radical decisions without public knowledge or consent, he’d probably have a different job.

  2. Now, I know that foxes can get to be little hyperactive springs, but Swiftpaw there looks like he’s about to comically panic and zoom everywhere.

    1. Either he needs to use the little fox’s room, or Keith just showed him Daeny.

  3. I’m not exactly sure Vic can keep his promise…

    That one woman at the meeting at Chel’s house sounded like she wanted someone to blame.

    Not to mention what Lexx’s sister’s second arrival on earth might have done.

    I’m still wondering if ADC tampered intentionally with Lexx’s last set before allowing out for this last round. Lexx’s Dice shouldn’t be doing anything to destructive to cause that one agent to have such a reaction, could they?

  4. No, Vic. They’re really not. They are dangerously incompetent.

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