26 654

Day 26 Part 4 Pg 12

Swiftpaw sat up in the deep sink, hanging his paws over the edge to wait for the water to begin running.  Chel wiped he eyes and turned to one of the two scientists that was now standing nearby. “By the way, don’t take Stealth’s temperature.” “Wouldn’t dream of it.”  He shook his head vigorously.  “Keith just warned us, but we didn’t plan on doing it anyway.” “Take my temperature?”  Stealth growled, one of her paws slapped over her nose so she couldn’t smell Swiftpaw as strongly. “I can give it. It’s 99.4 Celsius. What is the problem?” Chel turned to stare at Stealth, wondering if she should answer the question, then thought better of it and mumbled, “I am not explaining it.”  She turned to look back down at Swiftpaw. The fox was staring up at her, his head cocked to one side as he enquired pleadingly, “Can I have bubbles?”

26 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 4 Pg 12

  1. 99.4 Celsius? That’s 210 Farenheit! I know Stealth can be a hothead but that’s almost enough to boil water.

  2. Hazmat Scientist: Sorry, little guy – the safe cleaner’s low-foaming.

    Swiftpaw: Awww!

    Keith: However… maybe after you’ve cleaned up….

    One cleanup and a short walk later:

    Chel: …and there you go: bubbles up to max! Whirlpool, too!

    Partially-submerged Woman: *ahem* Animals and test subjects are not allowed in the site’s jacuzzi!

    Swiftpaw: FYI – my defensive glands are fully recharged…

    Partially-submerged Woman: *winces* I’ll be good.

  3. 99.4 Celsius? I’d be fairly concerned about touching the slightly-boiling cat. Unless she isn’t mostly water, in which case I’d still be rather worried.

  4. 99.4 Celsius? She got to be kidding. That’s actually above boiling point except on sea level and slightly above. So she is either pulling some tails or under pressure.

  5. 99.4 = 210.92. Too high! Maybe someone meant to put it in fahrenheit?

    1. fahrenheit would make more sense

      1. Yup, that would make 37.4 Celsius

  6. Normal cats are 102°F – this makes them so warm! We must feel clammy to them.

  7. I’ll fix it later. 😀

    1. Is it later yet?

  8. Cue the audio to the Foreigner song ‘Hot Blooded’.

    See, the system is so confusing that even ALIENS get it wrong. Stealth’s dice nanos were apparently set wrong at the factory and need to be recalibrated for Earth standards.

    FYI, it was a Miles vs. Kilometers error in calculating orbital trajectory that crashed one of the Mars probes.

    1. P.S. Lexx may want to install the dice nano service pack before asking Stealth for help around the ship. 🙂

      Stealth: I drew a bath at a soothing 98 degrees as you asked.
      Lexx: Thanks Stealth.
      Stealth: You did want that in Celsius didn’t you?
      Lexx: YOW!

    2. (Note sure but easy to verify?) Even worse was the fact that the conversion factor was the source of the error and it was in the right units?

  9. Also? Wouldn’t make Stealth very stealthy if one were to have some infrared visions on.

  10. OH DEAR GOD Swiftpaw :hnnnnng: I just imagine him with a 5 year old’s voice

  11. Swiftpaw must have bubbles!

  12. LOL! I can just imagine them breaking down into laughter shortly after he said that!

  13. Enjoy the little things in life.

    Swiftpaw looks so cut in the sink.

  14. HAH read the last panel as “I can haz bubbles?” i might be on the internet too much

  15. Last pannel needs to be “Can I has bubbles?” for the lols.

  16. And exactly what is Swiftpaw’s mental age? Five?

    1. thats what my headcanon is… he probably was just a pup when he bonded, and he hasnt really leveled up.

  17. Jesus, how has Stealth not had problems with her blood boiling at reasonable altitudes!?

  18. 0.o Yes you can have bubbles and a squeaky toy and anything you want

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