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Day 26 Part 4 Pg 6

Several hours later, following Vic, Keith, Lexx, and Chel , stripping in front of several scientists and going through a shower, then dressing in hospital type gowns.  Vic and Keith had known what to expect.  Chel had been embarrassed the entire time, even with only her mother and a couple of other female scientists in white hazmat suits escorting her. Lexx was a problem.  First, he wouldn’t surrender his clothes, even after assurances they were going to be treated and returned to him.  Then he wouldn’t take the shower or submit to putting on the gown or go anywhere without Chel.  He was still arguing when the four dice romped through the showers.  Even Stealth walked through without a problem and Swiftpaw loved the hot water and blow dryers and attention afterward. Despite assurances that the dice were parasite free, they were taken to another room where several people were going to spend a very long time going over every inch of their bodies with a comb, which none of the dice complained about. Lexx sulked, until Vic intervened and talked him into it.  Then he was wet, sulking, and being shown how to put on the gown properly by Mel.  He protested everything, mainly to show how much he did not like being away from Chel, which was becoming more and more annoying to Vic who accompanied him to a separate lab area where they wouldn’t run into Chel, Keith or the dice. Mel took everything calmly and  was left with Lexx while Vic went off to have his own exam with another scientist.  Lexx wasn’t as talkative without Vic being there and began to be a little more cooperative, undergoing the poking and prodding with more sulking and grumbling.  Mel began with simple, non invasive readings, taking Lexx’s temperature, a little lower than that of the average human.  He assured her that it was normal and began talking about conversions from the units they commonly used to the ones Mel was recording in. Body measurements were taken, questions were asked about his biology, how fast his heart beat should be, and lung capacity.   His eyes were dilated, much to Lexx’s annoyance, then healed after several minutes, much to Mel’s annoyance.  Everything was recorded.  X-rays and photos were taken for reference. Mel ruined several needles trying to draw samples of Lexx’s blood.  His skin was stronger than normal human skin and would not draw, until Lexx allowed it.  That took a little bit of convincing on Mel’s part, but Lexx eventually relented and let her draw what she needed.  He didn’t allow any nanites to leave. She was just finishing up the samples and taking them to another lab to be examined when Vic returned.  He had obviously showered again after a stress test and his hair was still wet.  His examine had been much shorter than Lexx’s would be, for obvious reasons. Vic walked up behind his wife, grumbling under his breath.  Mel glanced back at him in silent question before continuing on her way.  “Mel, they assured me their transportation technology purges all foreign contaminants.” “24 hours and he needs a full round of preventative inoculations.”  Mel stated. “That boy is healthier than we’ll ever be.” “And he’s been through enough, judging by the scars.”  Mel placed her tray on an empty counter and turned to her husband with a stern expression. “I’m not taking chances.  His ancestors were never exposed to Earth bacteria or viruses.” Vic nodded in grudging agreement.  “We’ll take care of him.”  Mel had a look in her eyes that Vic quickly recognized.  Mel took her job seriously and loved every moment of it, but she was still very much a mother at heart and despite all the teenage level grumbling that had come from Lexx, she meant meant what she said in more than just the agency’s interests. “How could any civilized society put someone through so much pain in the name of entertainment.”  Mel had hidden her assessment of what she had seen in her examination.  Scars upon scars, layered over more scars covered Lexx’s body.  Most of them were light and faded with age, but when they crossed older scars or they were especially deep, they formed unsightly malformations in his skin.  Lexx had explained a few of them and while Mel was mortified by how they happened, she had kept her professional calm.

12 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 4 Pg 6

  1. Mel’s gonna be VERY angry if/when she finds out that Lexx still has to fight in The Gauntlet.

    I wonder if she’s figured out the scars on Lexx’ wrists.

    1. Only one wrist now. He has a completely new arm, remember?

      “How could any civilized society put someone through so much pain in the name of entertainment.”

      I guess she doesn’t count the old Roman Empire as being Civilized. “Bread and circuses”, anyone?

      1. Rome was civilized, but not nearly as much as modern western civilization. by way of example, we no longer do public (or private) crucifixion. We did public hanging a couple centuries ago, but not now.

        One would hope that an advanced society with star travel and all that stuff would be more rather than less civilized.

  2. – “How could any civilized society put someone through so much pain in the name of entertainment.”

    – “Indeed.”

    – “Anyway, enough jawing. I’ve got to get finished up here if I’m going to catch I’m A Celebrity – Get Me Out Of Here! They say that the trials are going to be even more extreme this time!” 🙂 +glow of schadenfreude+

  3. Well done Lexx, you now have 2 moms, cause Mel’s ready to fight like a mom for you!

  4. So Lexx’s ancestors were never exposed to Earth eh? *starts whistling innocently* Although to be fair i think the time that Rishans have been in space would be long enough for their immune systems to degenerate a bit.
    For the part of civilized society, Rome was considered civilized, yet had gladiators and or prisoners fight for the amusement of the masses.

  5. She does have a point. How could they?!?!?!
    *cracks knuckles thinking of how to ‘punish’ them for what they’d done*
    I know it has been a while since I’ve commented on this comic but rest assured I have been waiting eagerly, yet patiently, and following this, my favorite, comic. 😀
    Keep up the great work! 😉

  6. “How could any civilized society put someone through so much pain in the name of entertainment.” That’s what we keep asking of the Romans, the most civilized society of their time and the creators of the lovely colliseum, where gladiators fought to the death and people were fed to lions and burned alive as torches.

    Poor guy. Hopefully things start getting better for him for a little while. He seems like he could use a break. ^^;

  7. How could a civilized society put someone through that for entertainment?
    Boxing, UFC, full-contact sports . . .
    We have plenty of violent entertainment in our modern “civilized” society, the main difference is that our participants volunteer: Lexx wasn’t given a choice.

    1. Yeah, is it wrong of me to think of an answer involving describing exactly how to do it? You kind of HAVE to be civilized to get away with setting people on fire and hitting them with razor-sharp claws then healing them to do it all over again next show.

    2. Volunteering is a *huge* difference. And we have limits to what we’ll do. And we STILL have people arguing against it.

      I’m glad we do though. Having to constantly justify and reexamine our justifications for things keeps us honest. In theory.

  8. I think Mel was probably rather horrified or petrified by the origin of the scars.

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