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Day 26 Part 5 Page 01

It’s just food. There’s nothing wrong withit. Lexx picked up the spoon and held it tentatively over the bowl. It was just food, but to him, it was completely alien. It had a pleasant smell and if he was going to eventually live on Earth, it might be a good idea to become accustomed to the food. He just had to stick his spoon in the bowl, scoop up a tiny bit of the soup and put it in is mouth. The thought made his stomach churn in disgust. It was revolting just to look at and he was having a difficult time willing his hand to move. It’s another way the ADC controls us. Riley pointed it out. They feed us primarily nutrimixes growing up. On every planet, he had subsisted on food that the ADC recommended. There had been so many offers of good food to try, but it wasn’t what Lexx was used to and he had always turned them down. Control. He couldn’t move his hand, no matter how much he wanted to. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a moment to say... good grief.. I LOVE Lexx's Hair AND the new texture brush I found that I used on his wings!  It looks so lovely and much nicer than it looked while I was working on it! Edit: *laugh*  I typed up a little paragraph about what was described above and deleted it, not realizing that this is not something most people experience. I do this.  There are certain things that completely disable me.  I have spent TEN YEARS, getting over being shocked every time I'd open a cooler door at Target when it first opened.  I'd get shocked EVERYTIME I opened the milk door for a couple of months. Now, it does not matter what store, but it is ALWAYS at the milk cooler door.  I have a mental block where I stop, my hand in front of the handle, unable to grab it.  I actually have to look away to open the door. :P One of the other things has to do with food.  I make this seafood chowder that is DELICIOUS.  Well, my husband and daughter think it's delicious.  I've tried it, choking down mouthfuls and noting: This tastes good, but I can't eat it.  I make something else for myself now.  Why?  I can't get over seafood and milk MIXING together and then eating it.  I really can't.  It doesn't matter that it tastes good.  I just know,... there are OYSTERS mixing with MILK!!  I honestly get nauseous and there's NOTHING wrong with it. Once you get the block, it is VERY hard to break it, even if your mind is telling you it's ridiculous while stopping you from doing it. Right now, I"m trying to convince myself potatoes are poisonous.  It'd probably work better if I didn't really love potatoes. - Tiff

16 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 5 Page 01

  1. Vic: (already finished) You gonna eat that?


  2. I foresee Chel coming in to feed him and her dad having some smart mouthed comment about it. Like my family would. lol I do love Lexx though. I think I started reading a few weeks ago and am all caught up now. 🙂

  3. I do like the texturing too. Which brushes did you use and where might one acquire them?

  4. Just say Chel cooked it. He’d have a little more motivation then.

  5. Can’t take a bite, huh? I wonder if there’s either something addictive in the nutrimixes or something in the nanites preventing him. If so, I hope it’s the nutrimixes. I know Lexx has bad associations with the nanites, but on the whole, they seem to be quite useful.

    1. Well, the aliens did restore his nanites to their original purpose, so the nanites shouldn’t be preventing him from eating the food. It’s probably either brainwashing/conditioning or something addictive in the nutrimixes.

  6. I thought all the negative side effects of the nanites had been removed? It is more likely a psycological issue rather than a physical limitation.

  7. How To Convince You To Avoid Eating Potato’s:

    Get a hash brown at Micky D’s.
    Wrap it in several paper towels.
    Squeeze it.
    Observe the results.

    Same thing works with avoiding donuts.

  8. I’ve had that problem of getting shocked at the coolers, too. I figured out part of it. My family has a tendency to a stress triggered problem, one that lets your body chemistry get out of whack. When I’m having problems with it I get shocked at the freezers. I developed a little habit. It hurts a lot to have the tip of my finger shocked, lots of little nerves, so instead I first touch the handle with the inside of my thumb. Still a little shock not nearly as painful.

    I do know what you mean about having a block about food. After being sick one morning, after a breakfast of cereal with raisins, for many years I couldn’t bring myself to eat any pudding with raisins. I finally managed to expunge the bad imagery associated with it but it took years.

  9. He’s trying to accept the soup, but in the soup is his reflection. Symbolically trying to accept himself?

  10. If all else fails, someone could force feed him until he gets used to Earth food . . .

    And why would you want to convince yourself that potatoes are poisonous? They are delicious, and as long as they haven’t soaked up excess oil from frying they aren’t bad for you.

  11. It’s most likely purely psychological. Compare it to foods from other countries. If you grow up eating one type of food, anything else is going to seem strange and unappetizing. Think of snails…in some places it’s ‘oh yummy’ while other places (Mostly the USA) it’s going to be ‘oh yuck’.
    For Lexx, everything but nutramix is like snails 😀

  12. Hmm, I would have thought he would have attempted to break that kind of conditioning at the earliest opportunity. It does represent one of the more overt… chains the ADC uses. Perhaps there’s more to this than it first appears.

  13. this sort of thing used to happen to me too. 🙂

  14. Well, actually, potatoes ARE poisonous. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato#Toxicity
    Though we’ve bred most of that out of a potato. (Just don’t eat green ones.)

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