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Day 26 Part 5 Page 03

He let it sit on his tongue for a moment, then swallowed.  “But how do you make sure you are getting what you need?” “Your body will tell you.” “For instance,” grumbled Vic.  “My body says I need steak.”  He stared at the salad on his fork, before reluctantly stuffing it in his mouth.

16 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 5 Page 03

  1. Bleh rabbit food. To quote an old Wendy’s commercial, “Wheres the beef?!”

    1. Salad is what food eats! (^_^)/

      1. No, Salad’s made up of the parts food wants to eat.. but we’re too selfish to share. =D

  2. Hmmmmmmm…something tells me that Lexx would be one of those people that reads everything on the labels and arranges everything he gets around careful management of those numbers.

    Not like Vic. He sees stake, he buys stake. ^^

    1. Why would he buy a stake? Is he hunting vampires?

  3. Heheheh! I wonder if they’ll force Vic to stay on the vegetarian diet until he starts detoxing like mad.

    – “I’m getting rashes. And diarrhoea! It’ll be scurvy, pellagra and rickets next! This has to stop!”

    – “Now, now, dear. It’s just your body ejecting all the poisons your meat-rich diet has given you..”

    – “Well, clearly my body liked having it’s meat poisons, and wants them back! So if I don’t get a steak soon, I’m going to go and grab someone else’s. Like that one over there, for instance-”

    – “Er, I’m Swiftpaw, actually, and I’m not for consumption. Although I’ve got some poisons handy if you try anything…” *whimper*

  4. Jep, I like my salad converted too – converted into meats 🙂 .

  5. I try to eat less meat than most people, and lots and lots and lots of fruits and veggies, though I do like an occasional burger. XD As for Lex’s statement, well, if there’s ever a doubt, there’s always vitamin supplements…

  6. I can sympathize with Vic. I tried the vegetarian thing for a while, nearly died of malnutrition. I found out later I’m missing the enzymes needed to digest plant proteins. No amount of preaching will change the fact that some people’s bodies are meant to eat meat!

    1. ACK! That sounds dangerous! 🙁 As much as I love a good, pink in the middle, hunk of red meat – I love veggies and fish more. 😀

      1. I’m not too picky, but there’s nothing like a freshly killed squirrel roasted on a spit. Not too well done, though. Those little suckers have more acidic internals due to their diets, so virtually all parasites leave them alone, making very rare squirrel meat viable. Whether you grew it yourself, or killed it yourself, food tastes better when you’ve put work into it. Kill it and Grill it. Words to live by, indeed. Saint Nugent was a wise, wise man.

        Anyway, yeah, I like a nice salad as the intro to a meal, or even as the meal itself, as long as it’s a good salad.

        1. I’m with Vic on this one. At least one serving a day of some kind of meat product. Even if it’s PEANUT BUTTER AND CHEESE on crackers. LOL, high-protein and comes from a cow counts?

          My grandfather (not by blood) was a rural/poor hunter and ate stuff like rabbits and squirells when he could. Now I see why he liked them so much – although I’ll likely not eat much if any squirells in my lifetime. I learned early on that deer are good if prepared right. Also, the rats that are rural are entirely different from the city rats – living on grains > trash. Not that I have personal experience, heh.

  7. See steak buy steak eat steak. I guess there might be cook steak in there somewhere too but eh each their own.

  8. Steak, Schmeak. I prefer pork. Among the reasons, you’ll find “Bacon.” End of story.

    1. Mmmmmm…Baaaaaacon…..

  9. When I lived on my own, I spent nearly a year cruising at the point of dead-broke. I mostly lived on milk, bread and eggs…but there were times when I *had* to have some kind of meat. Cheap weenies were usually accepted, though what I really wanted was either a steak or a good thick roast. (Put that in the crock pot with lots of potatoes and carrots, let it cook on low…mmmmm.)

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