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Day 26 Part 5 Page 08

“I’ll get a house in the country and take all three!” Keith exclaimed with an enthusiasm which further annoyed Chel. She glared at the pair of them, feeling that she was being replaced and pushed out of the responsibility she felt for the dice. “They don’t,” Chel took a deep breath, speaking calmly and evenly, “belong” Swiftpaw’s ears went back hard against his head and a tiny whine rose in his throat.

5 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 5 Page 08

  1. Swiftpaw: Hey, I was born here! You can’t take my nationality away from me! I think…


    Examiner: That concludes your citizenship test, Mr. Swiftpaw. And now I will proceed with your bioregional responsibility test. I have just released some small furry animals into the room – you will catch and consume the ones that are appropriate to your place in the food chain, and either non-endangered or non-native. Proceed.

    Swiftpaw: Right, easy one first: Rattus norvegicus *chomp*

  2. I don’ geddit. Specifically, I don’ ged Chel. I’m sure she’ll explain, but right now I’m with Keith. I’ll take the swimmy one that goes “Oro.”

  3. Whada heck? Did Chel and Lexx switch moods?

  4. I think Chel can’t take not being everybody’s favorite human anymore.

    1. yea, was thinking the same. tinged with a “they belong to lex”. some teasing over not needing to be so protective over “her boyfriend” would be in order imo.

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